Sudan Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Oct 06, 2011
  • 853 reads

Greetings in the name of our Savior Jesus.  May the grace and love of our redeemer be with you all the time. I am sending you recent Sudan prayer topics:

1. We pray and give thanks to God for His peace in North Sudan and South Sudan.  South Sudan became independent from North Sudan this year on July 9.  As you know North Sudan is an Arab nation (Islamic) while South Sudan is an African nation. 
2. Pray for Sudan UBF's disciple conference which will be held on Oct. 6-8 in Khartoum. We will study the book of 2 Timothy and we will have Bible testimony writing and sharing. We pray for thirty student attendants.
3. Pray for selling our center building for a good price. We will divide the money into two parts for supporting the Malakal center building, and the other for building a new center here in Khartoum.
4. We are praying to feed 20 sheep through 1:1 Bible study every week and for 25 Sunday worship service attendants.
5. We are praying for Miss. O. to complete his Ph.D. program in Egypt and to join Malakal ministry and become a professor at Upper Nile University.
6. Pray for me to get a permanent job here in Khartoum to serve the ministry and that God may help me to get a permanent visa next year.
7. Southern Sudan may grow and raise Jesus' disciples. There are currently nine leaders.

God bless you,