2011 Brazil Genesis Disciple Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Oct 20, 2011
  • 797 reads

From October 15th to 16th, we had the 2011 Genesis Disciple Conference with 27 participants. We studied Genesis chapters1 and 12, wrote testimonies to learn faith in God the Creator and we prayed to be blessings in the University of São Paulo.

Second Generation Missionaries Moses Park and Joshua Park received message training during 1 month, and they preached their messages powerfully. Janeth (who studied the Bible with Msn. Mary Yun in Chicago University UBF and came to Brazil due to working issues of her husband) and her husband Mauricio, received the grace of the Word of God. 

They are from Colombia. They are participating in the Sunday service and are doing one to one Bible study. Guilherme (Engeneering 2), who has been studying Bible since the beginning of the year, had a good time and opened his heart. He was in the drama during the conference.   

Missionary Nathan, from Downey UBF in LA and Missionary Omar, from CU Mexico, served the conference with praise, participated in the drama and shared their life testimonies. Second Generation Missionaries and young missionaries served the conference by uniting together with praise, dancing, and drama; they learned about co-working. God blessed us with his powerful Word from Genesis and we made a decision to be used as Bible teachers for the students of the University of São Paulo. We thank God and praise Him for this conference and for the wonderful accommodations.

Please pray that we may be one to one Bible teachers and pray that 12 disciples may be raised among us. Thank you for your prayers and for your love.

Msn. Elias Park
