Jeju UBF Ministry Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Oct 25, 2011
  • 1299 reads

Key verse: Joshua 17:18: “. . . but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours; though the Canaanites have chariots fitted with iron and though they are strong, you can drive them out.”

Jeju UBF sent out missionaries to Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Cuba, Japan, , Mexico, and America and many volunteered to go out as missionaries.

1. Early pioneering work

As the Korean church revealed her zeal for world mission by sending missionary Geepoong Lee to Jeju Island, UBF revealed her zeal for world mission by sending missionaries to Jeju Island too. March 15, 1964 was a historic day because missionary Hanok Kim was sent to Jeju Island for the Jeju pioneering ministry. At that time, Gwangju co-workers sent her to Jeju with a sincere desire for world mission. She served the Jeju pioneering ministry until she went to the U.S. After that, Shepherd Kwanok Kim, Jungil Kim, Giwhang Yoo and Isaac Koh served Jeju ministry. After 5 years gap, Shepherd Joshua and Yeonok Lee’s house church was sent to Jeju in March, 1973. They had planted the seed of the gospel with tears for 3 years. As a result of their sacrifice, Sister Lydia Song became a remnant. In 1982, Shepherdess Lydia established a house church with Shepherd Luke Kim from Gwangju and served the Jeju ministry. In September, Shepherd Timothy and Hannah Park’s house church from Jongro UBF came to Jeju and co-worked. God raised many disciples of Jesus when Shepherd Luke Kim’s and Timothy Park’s house church served the Jeju ministry as a kernel of wheat.

2. From Luke Kim to Yeonsuk Park

But in 1988, Shepherd Luke Kim moved to Mokpo UBF and Shepherd Yeonsuk Prak who was serving Mokpo UBF came to Jeju as a director. He made a new environment and planted faith and passion for world mission. He transferred the Jeju ministry to Shepherd Andrew Kim and went to America as a missionary.

3. April 11, 1989 was a historic day for Jeju ministry

April 11, 1989 was a historic day because the shepherd who grew in the Jeju UBF ministry became a step Shepherd for the first time. It was God’s miracle to Jeju ministry which had no Abraham of faith. Andrew Kim had served the Jeju ministry almost 3 years.

4. God made Mark Cho the successor to the Jeju ministry

In May 1992, God made Shepherd Mark Cho the successor to the Jeju ministry after Shepherd Andrew Kim. The Jeju leaders suffered because the Step shepherd was changed 4 times in 10 years. When I came and served the Jeju ministry, one day one leader came and asked, “You, too will leave the Jeju ministry a couple of years later, right?” That night, I prayed before God and decided to live as a servant by serving our Jeju co-workers embracing their wounds.

5. Timothy Park’s house church pioneered Halla chapter

In 1995, Shepherd Timothy Park’s house church pioneered Halla chapter. Our co-workers wanted to take a rest after consuming energy for chapter building ministry. Just 5 or 6 people came to early morning prayer meeting. It was hard to lead the early morning prayer meeting so only volunteers came and prayed freely. But the gospel ministry got stuck, and leaders could not join in the disciple making ministry and just barely kept their faith. Through this event, I learned how a leader’s decision influenced the whole ministry.

6. I decided to build an altar of prayer every morning

I decided to build an altar of prayer every morning and establish early morning prayer meetings the rest of my life. I vitalized early morning prayer and started a Tuesday Mizpah united prayer meeting. More than 20 leaders are joining these prayer meetings. One Shepherd confessed that he prayed until his mouth smelled of prayer. Sometimes we pray more than 2 hours; sometimes we pray overnight. God heard our prayers and sent many sheep in 1998 and 1999. Through this we experienced the power of prayer and the gospel.

7. Many sheep came but our ministry was attacked

In 2000, many sheep came, too. More than 15 sheep came to the worship service and our meeting room was not big enough. More than 30 sheep came to campus eating fellowship so the food we prepared was not enough. It seemed that the time of revival had come to Jeju UBF. Around that time, however, Korea UBF was in crisis. Most of all the local chapters left the ministry. Luke Kim in Mokpo who was like a midwife at the Jeju ministry left the ministry also. The UBF ministry was attacked. Eight to nine Shepherds who were serving in the army did not come back to the ministry.

8. We kept our beautiful UBF heritage

But God protected our ministry and none of our house churches left our ministry during this hard time. We made a committee and a financial department and started an audit. We made some regulations so that every member may participate in the ministry with ownership. Also, we kept our beautiful UBF heritage such as one to one, writing testimony, marriage by faith, daily bread, campus disciple making ministry, layman ministry and world mission. We also had a one day family retreat 3 times a year to solve our various desires. Through special lectures, we helped those who started their jobs to have biblical values and see their whole life with God’s view point. We had member meetings 4 or 5 times a year and helped members share their opinions freely. When we accepted their opinions, leaders had joy to participate in God’s ministry with ownership. In the most difficult time, God not only protected the Jeju UBF ministry but also helped our layman co-workers grow and participate in God’s work voluntarily.

9. We held on to Joshua 17:18 and Zechariah 4:6-7:

After the crisis in 2000, however, the leaders and I felt deep defeatism because of poor disciple making ministry. For a couple of years, not many sheep remained though we tried in many ways. Starting in the year 2004, we held on to Joshua 17:18, “ . . . but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours; though the Canaanites have chariots fitted with iron and though they are strong, you can drive them out.” Also, we fought against defeatism by memorizing Zechariah 4:6-7:

So he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty. “What are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it!’”

We memorized this word again and again, and prayed every early morning. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I prayed with around 10 women co-workers for one hour before we went to the campus. On Tuesday night we had the Mizpah prayer meeting and prayed more than one and a half hours. We prayed that we may obey God’s word and preach the gospel boldly. We prayed calling the name of student leaders and sheep one by one. Also, we had Bible study 2 or 3 times Bible to help sheep who are exposed to the Internet. When we prayed and challenged without withdrawing, God restored our ministry. God restored our leader’s inner heart first and sent 4 or 5 sheep every year.

10. Student ministry

We made some clubs so new sheep may have a relationship with their seniors and join in our community. Those who attended the club were easy to invite to the conference. After the conference, we went to an assisted living center and served disabled people. In this way we helped them to taste the joy of serving. Especially, the drama club prepares drama and performs at the Culture and Art center every year. With the earnings we help 4 poor ‘Jeju girl high school’ students every year. Also, every year we distributed piggy bank to all leaders, saved money and 1 year later helped 2 poor student leaders with that money as a scholarship.

11. Our leaders overcame that persecution

Jeju is an unique culture. Jeju is a small island. In one and half hours we can travel the island from one side to the other. Though the island is urbanized, many relatives still live together in one village. At national holidays they gather together and worship their ancestors. They start from their first son’s house and go to all their relatives’ houses. So when they believe in Jesus, not only their parents, but also all their relatives persecute them. But our leaders overcame that persecution because they met a new family, uncle and aunt in Jesus. In Jeju there were not many stable jobs. Even though a person can get a job, the income is very small. So many students go to Seoul and Gyeonggi after graduating college. But our Jeju UBF co-workers stay in Jeju and participate in the Jeju campus ministry even though they can receive more money inland. It is because they tasted the beauty of God’s community by struggling to live according to the word of God, by loving and forgiving each other, and by serving one sheep sacrificially.

12. Missionary sending ministry

God changed the Jeju ministry from receiving to giving. We sent out missionaries to Japan, Serbia, Mexico, and America. Especially, after sending missionary Andrew Kim to Serbia, many volunteered to go out as missionaries. Even after the crisis of 2000, God helped us to pioneer Hungary, Croatia and Cuba. Jeju leaders are poor so even they could not go out abroad. But God changed them with the gospel and made them to serve the world mission ministry. It is the ministry of the living God. So far we used conference evening lectures for world mission messages. But this year we have two world mission weeks in February and August. We study special world mission lectures, listen to the Sunday message, and share testimonies. God may raise 120 missionaries by 2020.

13. What make them live this kind of life?

In Jeju, the first UBF world mission place, I am really happy to serve campus ministry and world mission with layman shepherds and shepherdess who love God. I really respect and love them who give offering, visit and serve sheep for campus ministry even though they receive less than $2,000 a month even though they have worked more than 10 years at the same company. A few years ago, one Shepherdess had surgery because of her thyroid cancer. She has to work 4–5 hours a day with her tired body for her living expenses. But she goes to the campus at least 3 days a week and serves sheep. I remember the sacrifice of many Shepherdesses who met Jesus in their 20’s and still serve Jesus in their 40’s by visiting the campus and sheep whether they have sheep or not. What make them live this kind of life? It is the love of Jesus and the word of God planted in their hearts. It changed them to live a beautiful life. Jeju is 8% Christian, but only 2% are native. Even in this 2%, having a son first is very rare. But 60% of Jeju UBF Shepherds are firstborn sons. And 90% of Jeju leaders are natives of Jeju Island. Jeju UBF is a small ministry. But Jeju natives and firstborn sons are being born again by one to one Bible study. It is God’s miracle. May God raise campus Shepherds and missionaries who love Jesus and his flock through one to one bible study. Amen.

One word:  . . . but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours