M. Joshua Jin's Thanksgiving and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Oct 27, 2011
  • 1104 reads

2 Tim. 4:2 " Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction."

When I remember my wife, the late Msn. Maria, I am proud of her precious and beautiful life of faith because she lived as a missionary for Vietnam young campus souls as a kernel of wheat. She was faithful to God holding to her life key verse, John12:2:, "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds."

Before meeting Christ, after her graduation from high school, she got a job supporting her family members instead of entering college.  After meeting Christ she became an exemplary and sacrificial shepherdess for Choon chun UBF pioneering work as an ancestor of faith. She also fully devoted her life for Vietnam mission work as a missionary like a kernel of wheat for about 20 years until she was called by God on Oct. 18, 2011. She loved God and loved people. She always would like to use any money for serving others not for herself. She would not even use money to buy any clothes for herself though her clothes were worn out. Therefore I always had to buy some clothes for her including her underwear.

I praise and give glory to God who always loved her and was with her, until she finished her good fight in Jesus our Lord as a missionary, and led  her into her eternal resting place God prepared in his time.    

I truly thank God for all the servants of God in UBF who loved and prayed for her throughout the world since she was hospitalized in 2008.  Especially I thank God for Dr. John and Sunji Jun who was concerned for our financial difficulties and their behind the scenes supporting through many servants of God for us during M. Maria's period of illness.  I don't know how to thank all the servants of God who visited and encouraged her in Jesus' love such as M. Sarah Barry, Anna Yang( Chicago), Esther Lee (Washington) and M. Grace A. Lee who loved her, came to visit to her ward, and sent her love, prayer, and encouraging letters from Chicago without cease. 

In addition to them were Dr. Samuel H and Okhi Lee, and all Hanyang UBF co-workers;  David and Sarah Kim ( Korea UBF director);  M. Moses Yoon, Isaiah Lee and Jaeeun Cho and Kwanak 3 co workers for their prayer and supporting my son Paul's tuition; Sh. Paul B and Helen Lee (SNU) for support and prayer for us;  Dr. Joseph and Maria Ahn and all headquarter UBF co-workers in Chicago;  M. Peter and Monica Park in Nigeria;  M.David and Sarah Jun in Japan;  M. Peter and Maria Lee in Thailand; M. Samuel and Anna Kim, David and Petra Lee and Matthew and Angela Kim in Boston UBF.

 Thanks to Sh. Paul and Youngsook Kim, S. Rebecca Lee and all co workers and brothers and sisters in Choon chun UBF who became my true family in Christ.

Now M. Maria Jin left but we believe that God always is with us so we will love God all the more participating in the suffering of Christ, holding onto the word of 2 Tim. 4:2: "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.".  My plan is that I will prepare for Vietnam mission taking rest for a while. I pray that God may strengthen me to obey the word "preach the word, be prepared in season and out of season" so that our lives may be fully devoted for Vietnam mission work for the glory of God as M. Maria did.   I also pray that God may grow my son Paul as a useful man of God through his military training.

Again I appreciate you all for love and prayer for us

In his love,
M. Joshua Jin