Washington UBF Harvest Festival Program

  • by WMD
  • Nov 04, 2011
  • 871 reads

Nov. 11 (Friday)

Presided by Abe Lee

§ 7:00 PM Praise and Worship

§ 7:20 PM Intro to Topic, “God is Love” by Abe Lee

§ 7:30 PM Video/skit on “What is Love/What is God’s Love?”

By Shippensburg UBF

§ 7:45 PM Scripture reading 1 John 4:7‐21

§ 7:50 PM Message “GOD IS LOVE” by Dr. Henry Park

§ 8:30PM Video Introduction by Paul J. Kim to do a skit that

could be a template/example

§ 8:45 PM Group Breakouts ‐‐ Give each group a theme/topic

that relates to God’s love, and have the rest of the evening to

prepare and present the next day

§ 9:15 PM Share group names, give final instruction

§ 9:30 PM Evening Snack


Nov. 12 (Saturday)

Presided by Abe Lee

§9:00 AM Praise and Worship

§9:20 AM Give final instructions

§ 10:30 AM Group Presentations (3‐5 minutes per group)

§ 11:30 AM Presentation of winners

§ 11:45 AM Closing message by Brian Annear

”What is God asking us to do?”

§ 12:30PM Lunch Fellowship

§ 2:00PM Sport events‐soccer, kick ball, tennis or DC tours


Nov. 13 (Sunday) “Worship Service”

Presided by Brian Annear

11:00 AM Praise and worship

Key note message by Pastor Jacob Lee

“Praying for the Harvest Workers to pioneer 206 East Coast


Matthew 9:37–38 “Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is

plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,

therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

12:00 pm Harvest Festival Symposium

7 young believers will share their personal testimonies based on the

word of God they accepted.

1:00 pm Lunch
