Pray for M. John Lee, Paraguay

  • by WMD
  • Nov 17, 2011
  • 762 reads
Dear servants of God,

I have an urgent prayer request. M. John Lee of Paraguay has been suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy and is in Sungmo Hospital in Seoul, Korea. His condition is getting worse and his white cell rate became zero. It is 100% possible for him to be contaminated by pneumonia unless his white cell rate is restored within a week. It will be a very life threatening situation for him. His doctor said that another cancer cell appeared that is killing the white cells in his body. Therefore, he will begin chemotherapy from tomorrow to kill the cancer cell. In order to go through the treatment, he needs strength and his white cell count must be restored. It is time sensitive situation for him. Please pray for him that God who has been with him thus far may have mercy on him and help him in his grace.

In his abundant grace,
Maria Lee