Prayer Request of Sh. Elijah Moon (Jongro7 UBF Director, Korea)

  • by WMD
  • Nov 19, 2011
  • 744 reads

Dear servants of God:

Sh. Elijah Moon (Jongro7 UBF director) went into Severance hospital in Seoul and was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer on Monday, November 14. He is going to undergo radiation therapy on January 10 (just one time) in order to keep the metastasis of his cancer cell spreading from its original site to another part of the body.

For this, his doctor told him that he is to stop taking his thyroid medicine for about four weeks; it will be from December 14 to January 10. (He needs to do it prior to his radiation therapy.) His doctor also said that he would start feeling easily tired and cold when he stops taking the medicine during that period. It is necessary for his treatment. After that he will be undergo the radiation therapy and the rest of the cancer cells will be removed.

Please pray that God may strengthen him to bear the treatment and that the radiation therapy may be successful so that he can take care of God's flocks at Jongro 7.

Moses Yoon