Growing one-to-one ministry in Kenya by Jackie Yoon

  • by WMD
  • Nov 21, 2011
  • 1137 reads

God has been blessing our outreach ministry for freshmen since last October. Currently, all the leaders, including the student leaders, are each serving at least one freshman with one-to-one Bible study. We have five fellowships, and three of them have one-to-one Bible studies on Tue while the other two have Bible studies on Wed due to limited space. It is a great work of the Holy Spirit that all the leaders are engaging in the one-to-one ministry. Before starting our outreach ministry, we had a two-day and one-night workshop focusing on deep Bible study and sincere prayer. After the conference, we kept on praying together. God blessed our workshop and united prayer for the outreach ministry. 

It is not easy for leaders in Kenya to marry by faith, giving up their marriage dream. But Juma decided to establish a godly family with Janet by faith on Dec 10. It is a new history and work of God that they will establish a family with a pure spirit.

Also, in the past, we used to have co-working issues, but God enabled each of us to grow in Christ through deep Bible study and sincere prayer to build up a solid co-working vessel. May God bless our discipleship ministry to raise up spiritual leaders and disciples of Jesus!

Thank God that Mark Jr. was admitted to Seoul National University on a full scholarship. We didn’t know what to do about his college education, but God accepted all our prayers and provided him the best place. May God be with him to be a fruitful shepherd on the Kwanak campus!
