Sarah Ham was accepted to Guatemala Westpoint, EXCUELA POLITECNICA

  • by WMD
  • Nov 30, 2011
  • 828 reads

Josue and Ana Ham's first daughter Sarah was accepted to Guatemala Westpoint, EXCUELA POLITECNICA. 

Among 700 applicants, 200 were accepted and among them, 20 were girl students. Though she was accepted to three medical schools, including San Carlos Medical School, she decided to go to Guatemala Westpoint because there she can major in two subjects and finish within four years, and after college, she can get a high paying job right away. She also made this decision in order to take care of her younger siblings who need support. Above all, she has been praying to be a 1:1 Bible teacher and shepherd for God's flock. God blessed her decision of faith by sending many unexpected people to help her. While she was taking the entrance tests, she had to stay in Guate Westpoint in San Juan for one week. She had to wake up at 3 am for a 5 am breakfast. From 7-9 am, she had to take all kinds of theory, psychological, physical, and academic tests. She had to dive 3 meters, swim 50 meters in cold water, do pushups, run one mile, etc. When an army eye doctor heard about her desire to be a military doctor, he was moved and operated on her eye so that she could pass the eye test.

She will begin school from Jan. 3, 2012. She can stay in school and come back home on Fridays. She can keep her Sundays and invite friends to worship God.
