Zimbabwe UBF Summer Bible Academy Report

  • by WMD
  • Dec 02, 2011
  • 846 reads

Zimbabwe UBF held a summer Bible academy from November 25- 27. God blessed it abundantly and we were all moved by the word of God and the Bible testimonies. We give thanks and praise to God who helps us to serve his mission. We had 20 new students and a total of 60 attendees together with Dr. Samuel H. Lee’s Korean language course students.  

Our leaders prayed a lot and prepared very heart moving messages by the help of the Holy Spirit. The messengers were Blessed on “Jesus came to call the sinner” (Mt 9), Spe on “Jesus is the living water" (Jn 4), and Oliver on “You will be a blessing” (Ge 12). We learned that Jesus’ forgiveness of sin is the best gift of God and it has transforming power. Jesus solves our thirsty problems by giving us a spring of living water. “You will be a blessing” taught us to be a blessing by giving the word of God and becoming like Abraham in our generation. We have a vision to be a missionary sending nation.

Our three women missionaries, Petra Lee, Rebekah Shin, and Sus Yoon, also shared their graceful life testimonies. They were very honest and renewed their hearts through God’s calling and vision.

Martin, Onward, Sally, and Apollonia shared their testimonies based on the main messages. Particularly, our sisters made decisions to marry by faith. It was a great work of the Holy Spirit that changed our sisters’ hearts.

Dr. Samuel H. Lee gave us a special lecture on UBF history which gave us vision and the hope of God for this nation. We pray that God may work mightily through faith in his word, a giving spirit, and prayer. Dr. Samuel H. and Anna Lee supported this academy a lot through prayer and serving the messengers and testimony sharers. God has blessed his Korean language course at the University of Zimbabwe. We pray that God may use it as five loaves and two fish for the students of UZ to serve all the students by faith.

We have been praying earnestly for our leaders to have one-to-one Bible students by faith. As a fruit of this Bible academy, we pray to have  13 of our leaders (10 men and 3 women) pledge to be Bible teachers. We also pray to have a holy communion service and Christmas worship service.
