Oceania Missionary Conference Prayer Topics and Program, Canberra UBF, Australia

  • by WMD
  • Dec 06, 2011
  • 1261 reads


The Oceania Missionary Conference will be held in Canberra, the capital of Australia, from December 20-22  hosted by Canberra UBF. We formed a prayer meeting to pray for the preparation of it for one month. Students leaders - Chris, Chong, and Hannah Jr. - mainly participate in the prayer meetings.  They faithfully attended the prayer meeting, even during exams and bad weather. Eva and Chong are in medical school with a heavy load of studies and clinical trainings, and Sarah works the night shift as a nurse, but they attended it. Toria and Admond, who have been faithfully attending the group Bible study on Fridays, also joined. We pray for God’s mercy and grace upon the conference by blessing our prayer meeting, which is like five small loaves and two fish, and to strengthen all the attendees of the conference with God’s vision and hope for the campus ministry in Oceania. This year, Brian Schmidt, a professor in ANU (The Australian National University), was awarded the Novel Prize for Physics.  So far, three Novel Prizes were awarded to professors in ANU. We pray for ANU to be a power house, not only academically, but also spiritually. 


Hanna Lee
