2012 New Year Korea UBF Staff Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Dec 08, 2011
  • 713 reads

On Dec. 5-7, 2011, Korea UBF held it's national staff conference with the theme "Explore the Land of Canaan" at Rich Village, Yeoju, Kyoungki,  Korea. The number of attendees was 95 staff members including 7missionaries from overseas.

God has blessed the first and second days of the Korean Staff Conference. The first night we had a special lecture by Rev. Sang-bok Kim who spoke about 3-S's in spiritual leadership (Salvation, Sanctification, and Service) based on 2 Ti 3:15-17 and the Lord's ministry on earth. He emphasized that people should be saved and sanctified through our teaching and preaching and be healed through our service. He concluded that spiritual leadership comes from a sanctified inner life. His lecture was well accepted by all staff.
The second day, Pastor Abraham delivered the first main message on Numbers 13:1-14:25 in which he encouraged all staff to explore and continue to conquer the promised land both in world campus mission and in our spiritual maturity by following God wholeheartedly like Caleb and Joshua. In their testimonies, staff members confessed their lack of faith and devotion and decided to serve the new year's ministry by giving their whole hearts to God and challenging their situation by faith. Sh. David Kim challenged all staff to restore the spirit of dedication and unity in order that Korea may continue to be used by God in advancing world campus mission.  We thank God for renewing the spirit and vision of the Korean staff. In the evening, we had a presentation of Shep.
Stephen Ahn's doctoral disseration on "A Sermon Heard by An Audience," in which he emphasized the importance of textual study and application to an audience's situation. 

The second day we had a second Bible study and  message with the title "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit" by Shep. Peter Choi (Kyungsung) on 2 Kings 2:1-25.

Through the message he encouraged all the staff members to seek a double portion of spirit of Elijah as Elisha did so that we all can be victorious in serving young campus souls in this perverse generation.
In the message he also testified that when he began Kyoungsung 2 pioneering work, it did not work well because his co-workers were divided in heart. But when he cried out to God seeking the double portion of Elijah's spirit, and encouraging all co-workers to be one in heart like one family in Jesus, then each co-worker repented of their selfishness claiming their own sheep and their own fellowship. Now they all became one in Jesus' love and their ministry increased double in size numbering 30 Sunday worship service attendants.

At the end, Sh. David Kim (Korea UBF director) gave announcements and said "In the Bible we see that the history of Israel was changed by spiritual leaders' faith-language. For example, Caleb used the saying "We will swallow them up". Likewise, when we depend on almighty God and use faith-language encouraging our Bible students and growing leaders we all will surely be victorious in raising disciples of campus students though the environment on campus is the opposite. He encouraged all to practice shouting loudly: "We will swallow Korean campuses up"; "We will swallow world campuses up".  They did it with all their hearts.

Through the words of God all staff members and missionaries were greatly encouraged and made clear decisions to actively pioneer each campus in 2012 by seeking God the almighty, and not to look at the opposing situation. They also had a wonderful fellowship sharing with each other graceful testimonies based on the messages through the conference. May God increase all Korean staff shepherds’ faith and revive campus ministry abundantly in 2012.
