Homecoming Ceremony of Missionary John Lee, Paraguay

  • by WMD
  • Dec 08, 2011
  • 835 reads

Key verse 1Peter1:3 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, "

On Dec. 5,2011 we had a homecoming ceremony for Msn. John Lee who devoted his life to God's mission in Paraguay, at the funeral hall of Hanyang medical center, Seoul, Korea.
Sh. David Kim (Korea UBF director) officiated the ceremony with the title "A Living Hope through the Resurrection" based on 1Peter1:3. Dr. Samuel H. Lee who serves God's mission in Zimbabwe sent his eulogy for the ceremony honoring Msn. John Lee's devoted missionary life.
From 1978 to 1988 Msn. John Lee devoted his life to God's mission for Hanyang UBF pioneering work in Korea. From 1988 he devoted himself to Paraguay pioneering work for the past 24 years.  In order to serve God's mission in Paraguay he gave up all his privilege and secure life in Korea as a promising clerk of a bank in Korea and as a senior shepherd of Hanyang UBF ministry.    

While he was serving Paraguay pioneering work, about four years ago he suffered a life-threatening event being hit by a robber's bullet.  He had been restored miraculously by the earnest prayers of all the servants of God throughout the world. Not long after he was diagnosed with bone cancer but he made it four years battling by God's grace. Now God's time came for him and God called him  to his eternal resting home to be with the Lord on Dec. 3, 2011.  I remember that Msn. John was a man of love who always put Jesus' love into practice with all his heart whether he was in Korea or in Paraguay.    For a while we all are in sorrow because of separation from him but we believe that God loved him and has taken him by his good and absolute sovereignty. We will also be more faithful to God and love God's flocks as Msn. John devoted his life to God's mission.

We thank God for enabling Msn. Maria Lee to overcome her sorrow due to separation from her husband by holding on to resurrection faith. We also thank God that she could send gratitude letters to many servants of God who supported her family by prayer throughout the world even in the midst of her sorrow.

We thank God for those who came to visit and to pray for the service and for the rest family members such as Dr. John Jun( Honoral UBF general director), Msn. Sunji Jun, Pastor Abraham kim( UBF general director) , Estevan & Paulina Cho( Bolivia),and as well as many Korea UBF staff shepherds. We thank God for the UBF co-workers who were familiar to Msn. John who came to visit and gave comfort praying for the rest of the family members, his wife Msn. Maria, his children John, Hannah, Joseph, his daughters-in-law Hyunju Min and Siwon Kim.   

We, all Hanyang UBF co-workers, pray that God may fill us with victorious and resurrection faith so that we will always give ourselves to fully to the work of God as Msn. John Lee devoted himself to God.  We appreciate you all for your prayer support for Msn. John Lee

In Christ
Moses Kim (Hanyang1UBF)
