Milan UBF Report and Prayer Topics, Italy

  • by WMD
  • Dec 14, 2011
  • 1057 reads

I am so happy to continue reporting about the Italian ministry. Praise God that I only have good news to share! Every Wednesday we have a group Bible study in our apartment, and I take turns with my roommate Sasha to prepare God’s word. I like the UBF style very much, so I prepare Bible studies using the questions from our website. I also try to prepare the passage for the Sunday worship service, so I am using many sources, including Kiev UBF’s website.

As I mentioned last time, I took up the responsibility in establishing a praise team by teaching guitar. Praise God that 2-3 people are willing to learn. We had Bible study after the practice a few times. Concerning the English Club (we had two meetings), the volunteers turned out to be unreliable. We have to pray more about this. I continue to actively study the Bible with Vova and Noah, but sometimes we miss our Bible studies. I pray that we may all have an opportunity to be faithful in Bible study.

These days I have been reading a lot, mostly Christian literature and a foreign language study manual. For my science work, I read less, but think a lot. Due to mental stress, I have headaches. God gave me wisdom to observe a fast in the evenings, and now I am feeling wonderful and am losing weight.

Yesterday I went to Venice with my brothers in Christ to help one church, which is going through some difficulties in holding a Sunday worship service. Thank God for the birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus! I pray that our church may be led by the Holy Spirit and that everyone can have a personal and sincere relationship with God!

I will most likely stay in Italy for the holidays in order not to interrupt my working process (it is hard to return to research work after having a long vacation). I got a new scientific adviser and we began some new research. Also, the Lord blessed me to pass a theory part of a driver’s exam in Italian. I have to pass a practical part still.  Thank you for your love and care!

Prayer topics:

1. Remain faithful to established ministry
2. Raise Jesus’ disciples
3. Spiritual growth
4. Finish thesis writing
5. Establish a house church

In Christ,
M. Anton
