Beautiful Wedding between Juma and Janet, Kenya

  • by WMD
  • Dec 15, 2011
  • 1545 reads

Kenya UBF celebrated a beautiful house church marriage on December 10, 2011. Shepherd Daniel Rhee officiated the ceremony and gave them a graceful message based on Genesis 24:58-60.

Juma& Janet

He emphasized the importance of marriage by faith, taking an example from Isaac and Rebekah. In Genesis, Rebekah had never seen the bridegroom's face. She did not ask if Isaac was tall or small, handsome or ugly, an extrovert or an introvert, a tough guy or a gentle man. Isaac's family seemed quite rich, but she did not even confirm it. Knowing almost nothing, how could Rebekah decide to go with the servant without hesitation? It was because she was convinced that it was God's will. With regards to deciding a marriage partner, Rebekah only had one condition: God's will and provision. This condition is very important for us as well.  Marriage by faith is to follow God’s will and provision not our own human ways or desires.

 (UBF members)

Shepherd JumaFuchingo and Shepherdess Janet Cherotich were the sure witnesses of such a marriage. Both are guided by God's will and provision. Shepherd Jumagrew up under his father's good Christian influence. He joined UBF ministry in 2003, and has served God sincerely. He graduated the University of Nairobi with an excellent academic performance. Immediately after his graduation, he was scouted into one of the top enterprises as a technical manager. He was given a car from his company, and became one of the successful shepherds among UBF members. There is a long story of what happened before this marriage. But to make it short, one time he lost himself looking for a woman whom he liked. But through marriage Bible study, he repented his worldly dream for a romantic love. Then, God provided him a woman of faith. She is Shepherdess Janet.

(Prayers: Rev. Rhee, Shp. Kevin, Msn. Mark, Dr. Chung, Shp. Park, Msn. Jackie)

Shepherdess Janetgrew up in a non-Christian family. During her high school days, she accepted Jesus as her savior during Christian union fellowship. In 2006 she was accepted into the University of Nairobi, the top university in East Africa. Since then, she also joined UBF Ministry. When she prayed for God's direction for her life, she felt that God wanted her to serve him as a shepherdess for young campus souls. After she graduated from her sociology study, God blessed her to be employed in one of the NGO’s as an administration manager. She once also considered her marriage according to her own human plans and dreams, but through Bible studies, she learned how important it is to marry according to God's will and His provision. She made up her mind to follow God’s will and direction. Then God provided her a man of faith called, JumaFuchingo.

Most importantly, for this marriage to be done by faith, Kenya UBF members and shepherds, especially Pastor Mark and Jackie endured them and prayed for them for three years.

Through this marriage, we all were able to testify that it was God who provided Juma to Janet, and Janet to Juma according to his divine will. Based on the wedding message, we all prayed for this house church to be a source of blessing increasing to thousands upon thousands (Gen. 24:60).

(Mothers of Prayer)

God also sent Shepherd Jonathan & Hee-Young Park, Dr. Joseph & Esther Chung as witnesses and prayer servants for this blessed marriage. They said that it was full of grace and joy, especially because this marriage is anexemplary marriage done by faith in Africa UBF ministry.

Through this marriage, many of our leaders also see the vision to marry by faith. We pray to establish 12 house churches in God's time. We are praying for one house church to be established sometime in May next year if God wills.

Thank you for your prayers,

Mark K. Yoon
