Peru UBF Christmas Report, South America

  • by WMD
  • Dec 30, 2011
  • 576 reads

"Today in the town of David, a Savior has been to you, he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Lk 2:11-12

 Praise God who sent his one and only Son to be born in this world. Praise God who sent Jesus to be our personal Savior and King.

 We thank God for blessing our Christmas worship service held on December 18th. God used M. Efrain to deliver a message based on Luke 2:11-12 with the title "Jesus was Born for You!" We received much grace through his message. The attendees received the word of God with open hearts. Even though all our members were busy with their final exams, we dared to prepare drama and special songs. Anita prepared with all her heart and prayer and invited all her coworkers even helping with special songs and in every preparation. To the last minute, Victor and Kelly invited their friends. In this way, God accepted all our prayers as well as prayers of the whole world. God blessed us with 23 attendees including 3 missionaries.

 God brought students from the 3 best public universities of Peru: San Marcos, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) and Universidad Villareal. We also had a discussion time to give a chance for everyone to tell what they learned from the worship service about God and Jesus. We could understand new students through this. Finally, we had a delicious lunch with great joy in our hearts. Thank you so much for your prayer for Cesar, Victor, Anita, Kelly, and their friends Caty, Fabiola, Beatriz, Sandra, Isabel, Tomas, Juan, Michael, Cristian, Jose Luis, Luis, Tatiana, Daniel, Dany and Raquel.

 Now we are preparing the last message of 2011 as well as the first message of 2012. May God give his powerful message to M. Efrain. May God bless all of you!

In God's grace,

Eugenia, Peru UBF
