Good News of Great Joy: Nicaragua UBF Christmas Report, South America

  • by WMD
  • Dec 31, 2011
  • 651 reads

Nicaragua UBF held its Christmas Worship Service on December 18th. Missionary Juan Kim gave the message entitled, “Good News of Great Joy” (Luke 2:10-11) The good news of grea joy is that Jesus took all our sickness, pain and sins on the cross. We learned that we must fight all the more and preach the gospel based on this grace of Jesus.

We received much grace especially from the testimonies of three brothers and sisters. Sister Fadia (Civil Eng 4, UNAN) shared her testimony. She lost her mother at an early age and grew up in a sad environment. When she entered the university she lost her sense for a while because of human love. But she began to study the Bible with S. Yasiris, and she accepted Jesus and his forgiveness of her sins. Through common life among disciples, she grew spiritually and now she feeds others with the word of God. From this year Bismark and Luis are studying the Bible with Jonathan. During the vacation they came from their dormitory and joined our drama and shared their testimonies. Leonel came from far away, taking 7 hours by bus to participate in the worship service. This time common life team sacrificed a lot. They served dance, drama, and chorus. Besides this, we had Taekwondo exhibition. Erick served Christmas dinner with a delicious Nicaraguan dish of churrasco.

This time around 50 participated in our Christmas worship service. We pray continuously to study Bible with Christian, Bismark, Luis, Leonel, Roberto, Kenia, Evelin, Franklin, Jaoska etc. We pray to establish house churches next year. We thank God also for S. Yasiris who graduated from her university. She accompanied us from the first year of our pioneering ministry during the last 5 years.

One word: Keep the grace of the cross of Jesus.
