Paulina Cho's life testimony, Bolivia

  • by WMD
  • Dec 31, 2011
  • 1088 reads

'Let there be light', and there was light."

I. To be a missionary

I was born in 1963. When I was 14, my family went to Bolivia. My mother and sister made products at home, while my father and I sold them.

During 6 years in Bolivia, I wondered about my identity. I thought I would solve this issue when I returned to Korea. In 1982, I finally went back to Korea to enter college. In the airplane to Korea, I said "Bye bye Bolivia. I will never come back to you." I entered Hankuk University of Foreign Studies majoring in Spanish. I was happy to live with my people in my own country, but I still couldn't find my identity.

In 1985, when I was junior, I met Missionary Peter Kim and studied the Bible. In November 1985 during the Thanksgiving Worship Service, God came to my heart through Genesis 1:3, "And God said, 'Let there be light', and there was light." At that time, God clearly said to me, "Your 6 years of life in Bolivia will be your thanksgiving topic." When I found my identity in God, I became very happy. However, I still had sin sickness of vanity, jealousy, anger and so on. By God's grace, he established a house church between Msn. Stephen Cho and I after two and a half years of Bible study. Through this marriage, God granted me a clear calling for campus mission.

II. Missionary life and disciple making

In February 1988, I went to Bolivia as a missionary although I never intended to return to Bolivia. Until Missionary Stephen joined, God trained me to be independent for one year and nine months. When I was in Korea, I was like a spiritual baby who couldn't even write a testimony. One day, I was just lying helplessly reading a Christian book. While reading a book, Isaiah 42:6, "I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles" came to my heart. The word of God changed me who was like a dead man.

In July 1997, we had a Summer Bible Conference without 1 sheep. After that, God blessed Msn. Stephen's repentance and obedience and his sheep Abraham Erick came back. I went fishing diligently, but had no disciple. I despaired about my unfruitful missionary life and prayed to God. I realized that because of my lack of prayer, I couldn't experience the work of the Holy Spirit.

Since then, I honestly prayed for my sheep whatever their situation. God sent me Shs. Pamela who
was born again through Gen. 1:31. Although she had gone through persecution from her family, failure in her medical residence exam and surgery for breast cancer, she stood firm in Jesus. Now, she has finished three years of residence and is the most influential shepherdess. There are several growing medical students and doctors. They faithfully write testimony and go fishing despite their heavy workload in medical school. Each fellowship prays for one college department and goes fishing.

While Msn. Stephen and I are away for a time of rest, we entrusted 4 Bolivian shepherds with the Sunday message and leading weekday group Bible study. Although they are all full time lay shepherds and some are in finals, they served wholeheartedly. I thank God who has been growing Bolivian shepherds as servants of His word. Isaiah 2:3, "Many people will come and say, 'Come, let
us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the god of Jacob." I believe that God will raise
Bolivia as "the mountain of the Lord." I believe that God will make Santa Cruz UBF a spiritual power station, which raises many servants of the gospel.

III. Raising children and financial stability

While actively serving the medical school, I had compassion for my children and said, "Lord, I am so sorry for my children." At that time, God said to me, "I gave you a husband who never complained about your meals and took care of your children well. You are not working by yourself." It was God's gentle rebuke and I realized that God had been taking care of my children. I felt comforted and secured

In 2009, my first daughter was a senior in high school. I was worrying about her college tuition. One day, My husband and I got into a car accident. Our car was totally destroyed. At that time, God
reminded me, "Entrust all your worries to God" which was from the manuscript I was reading right before the car accident. Although I didn't have car insurance, I entrusted everything to God. Then, I
became peaceful and free. Through this I learned to entrust things to God instead of worrying. Until
now, God has been taking care of Maria and Esther's college education as he had promised.

December 5th, 2010 was the most memorable day of my life. We were about to have the Center Dedication Worship Service. I wanted to pray early in the morning. At that time, God showed me all the financial difficulties I had gone through. I had cried many times. I didn't know why God was showing me those times and why I was crying again. I finally heard one voice, "Lord has seen you and knows everything." I was crying because I was comforted by God. I began to honestly seek God's recognition who will say "Good job, my faithful servant, Paulina." when I meet him.

From a human point of view, my 6 years of life in Bolivia were dark. In God's eyes, those times were a preparation time for me to be a shepherd for Bolivian souls. I was a hard worker, but didn't have joy, thanksgiving or gentleness in my heat. God has trained me not to depend on myself, but depend on Him to bear fruit of the Spirit through financial difficulties. I am learning to give thanks to God in all circumstances and praise Him. God granted me a clear direction through staying in Chicago and Korea. It is to be a mother of one lost soul instead of a teacher. I thank God who has been patient with me. I pray to live in God and obey His leading.

One Word: Praise God who is the Light.