2011 Kyoungsung UBF Christmas Worship Celebration, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jan 04, 2012
  • 677 reads

Key verse: Matthew1:23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”, (which means “God with us)."
On Dec. 25, Kyoungsung 1, 2, and 3 UBF and Songdo UBF held their joint Christmas worship service in the Kyoungsung center basement worship hall, Seoul, Korea.

Sh. Peter Choi ( Kyoungsung 2) gave a graceful and heart-moving message with the title "Emmanuel God With Us" from Matthew 1:23. Through his message we all greatly were moved because the Emmanuel, Jesus came down from the most high place to the most low place to be with sinners.
Afterwards we had a Christmas celebration with a joyful carol medley by the orchestra, powerful gospel songs by the brother's choir from Kyoungsung 2, and a Capella praise by Kyoungsung 3.

Luke disciple team members (freshmen brothers and sisters) who came to know Christ in this year gave glory to God through their dancing entitled" Joy to the World". Their dancing climax was a North Korean dance by the sisters. It was our earnest prayer for the evangelization of North Korea. After then there was a graceful Christmas drama revealing the grace and love of Jesus who came to save sinners quoting the story of a beggar, Lazarus in the Bible, and story of a good Korean, Heungboo. They were excellent dramas.

At the end all attendees had joyful dinner fellowship together. We thank God for enabling us to have such a wonderful and graceful Christmas worship service revealing God's Emmanuel love for sinners. We give all the glory to God for his Emmanuel love for us and for this world.

Reported by Dr. James Suh ( Kyuongsung UBF)
