Thank you letter from Georgi and Heather Kumanichliev, Bulgaria

  • by WMD
  • Jan 11, 2012
  • 1209 reads

Dear servants of God and shepherds of Christ's flock,

Praise God who abundantly blessed the EDC 2012 in Serbia with his word and Holy Spirit by giving us direction and encouragement for 2012 to explore and conquer the promised land of campus mission by following God wholeheartedly as Caleb and Joshua did.

We thank and praise God for his great favor upon unworthy servants like us and blessing us to establishment his house church in the presence of so many servants of God in the beautiful land of Serbia.

We especially would like to thank Dr. John Jun for serving the wedding ceremony and blessing us with the word of God from Genesis 12:2, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”  We also would like to express our deep gratitude to Dr. Abraham Kim and Dr. Peter Chang who served and blessed our house church with prayer and love.

We would like to say a "big thank you" to all European directors for their support and prayers for us and "big thank you" to shepherd Spurgeon Lee and Chongro chapter II.

And last but not least, we would like to thank all our coworkers from God’s mission field in Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, Central Europe, and the U.S. who played a vital role in preparing and conducting our marriage. Our wedding was the most blessed because of all your prayers, labor, love, and sacrifice. We are indebted to you and praise God for such a wonderful and beautiful spiritual family in Christ Jesus our Lord.

May God bless you abundantly and use you as precious instruments for his kingdom work in Europe, N. America, and over all the earth to save souls for eternity.

Thanks again for all your prayers, love, gifts, and sacrificial serving. Through you, we can see God’s hope to use our house church as a source of blessing for young, lost campus students so that they may meet Christ Jesus and become eternal friends. We earnestly pray that our house church may make an eternal impact in the lives of students in Bulgaria, the Balkan Peninsula, Europe, and the Middle East in God’s time.

God bless you,

Heather and Georgi
