2011 Gwanak 3 Ministry Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jan 12, 2012
  • 739 reads

2012, Follow God Wholeheartedly

“But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.” (Num 14:24)

Last year, God helped our ministry abundantly. Shepherd Moses Yoon studied the Bible diligently, and he delivered powerful messages; these were very graceful and moving. We struggled to have seventy teams of one-to-one Bible Studies, and our ministry was advanced by Group Bible Studies, reflection sharing meetings, Daily Bread sharing meetings, and so on. Many students grew as leaders and disciples.

I. World Mission

We sent S. and H. as a missionary to the Middle East; it was the second time for us to send a Missionary to the Middle East. Shepherd Moses Yoon steadily supported United Kingdom Mission and the conferences of Nigeria and the Middle East. We prayed sincerely for World Mission during every Thursday United Prayer Meeting, Sunday worship service, Daily Bread Sharing meeting, and so on.

We listened to many Missionaries’ reports, who were from Brazil, Y, U.S (Texas, Chicago, Dupage), Nigeria, France, Guatemala, Canada, and so on--these were so graceful. Before and after the 2011 International World Mission Conference, we could meet and have fellowship with many Missionaries who were from Chicago, Germany, and so on. Late 2011, we had fellowship with Missionaries from the U.S, and Pastor Abraham Kim shared his life testimony and reported about World Mission. These were so graceful and encouraging.

Some Missionaries visited here and could be comforted. Second generation Missionaries visited here and could experience Korea and be trained with spiritual training.

II. Seoul National University(SNU) Ministry

Last year, we devoted ourselves to a disciple-making ministry, praying for twelve Brothers and Sisters Disciples.

1. Raised as a Shepherd and Shepherdess

Seven Brothers and three Sisters were raised as shepherds and shepherdesses. All of them were trained by studying the Bible twice a week and wrote reflections for one month. They attended all Bible studies without being absent, and shared their reflection sincerely for every lecture. Almost every student met Jesus in the Summer Bible Conference, and attended every testimony sharing meeting and Sunday worship service for six months.

2. Bible Academy on March Report

We opened the Bible Academy targeting freshmen. We prayed for fifty students to come, including freshmen; surprisingly, sixty-eight attended, including twenty-three freshmen. Freshmen have a tendency to come here only one day, but last year, there were many students who came here all three days. Through the Bible Academy, we could also help students to be raised up as leaders. All of the messengers and reflection speakers were students.

3. The Spring Conference

The Spring Conference was held on April 29-30, and thirty-six students attended. We organized programs with Group Bible Studies, Singing Hymns, Duo-Drama, Messages, and reflection meetings. We also had a reciting contest from 1 Corinthian 15, and surprisingly, one freshman won the second place prize memorizing the whole chapter.

4. Summer Bible Conference

There were forty-nine newcomers in the conference. Many freshmen confessed their sins sincerely though they only studied the Bible for one semester. Some of them had never been to church. God’s work was very wonderful in this conference. They attended every reflection sharing meeting, and many of them are growing as a disciple of Jesus, living common life.

After the conference, the circle room was full of students--it is the biggest room at SNU. A sophomore year student became presider for Sunday worship service. The number of common life members increased, and they are growing with early prayer training.

5. Fall Bible Academy

It was held September 27-29 at SNU. This ministry was so graceful--it was like a Summer Bible Conference. Freshmen were chosen as a servant of Duo Drama, special music programs, and reflection speakers. They even invited their friends and were introduced to shepherds and shepherdesses. They shared a deep and moving reflection; they wept while they were sharing. They grew so fast; the upper grade student team was challenged by them and they began struggling. They took part in the ministry by taking responsibility and stewardship.

6. Christmas

Students, including freshmen, gave their effort to worship the baby Jesus through Drama, Music Band, and Choir even though they were taking Final exams. God blessed their life of faith, and they could win the victory in their school studies. The worship program was full of grace and we moved more than ever. There were joyful songs, and a graceful drama. In the Drama, one brother wept during his role playing. Many people supported and served the programs very much.

As aforementioned, this year, we experienced a great advancing in ministry. Student-centered ministry is firmly positioning.

III. Prayer Topics

1. Moses Yoon

This new year, I want to follow my Lord wholeheartedly based on Numbers 14:24, “But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.”  I decided to read the Bible five times in one year. I pray that I can read and meditate on the Bible all the time, and my soul can be filled with the word of God. I pray that God may help me grow as a good Bible Teacher, with excellence in the Bible. I pray that I can cooperate with shepherds very well and God may help us to serve this ministry abundantly.

2. Joshua Kim

Last year, I wanted to learn the life of Prayer based on Daniel 6:10. This year, I pray that I can be used in the ministry, and live a life of faith based on 2 King 2:9. I pray that I can sincerely attend the early morning prayer meeting and write daily bread, serve the Sunday Worship Service’s message with all my strength, and most of all, I pray that I can give more effort in preaching the gospel.

3. Mark Yoon

 “Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.” I repent my past sins such as being absorbed in exercise, dramas, the internet, and so on. I pray that I can train myself to be godly. I pray that I can give myself wholly to them, and be grown into a servant of God. I pray that I can give myself wholly to one-to-one Bible study ministry, fishing ministry, reading the Bible twice, and learn English.

4. Daniel Byun

I pray that I can pray three times a day based on Daniel 6:10 so that I can accept the will of God for SNU. I pray that we can raise up twelve freshmen disciples, and that I can win the victory in writing a Doctorate Degree defense.