University of the Philippines Visit Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 16, 2012
  • 918 reads

After the Sunday worship service, Pastor Abraham along with some missionaries, visited the University of the Philippines (UP). M. John and Sarah, who served the Asia Directors' Conferece wholeheartedly, and Sarah and Hannah Jeong (high school) came to the Philippines four years ago and began to pioneer UP.

The campus was huge and we looked for our other team who went ahead of us. Finally we found them, P. Abraham, David, Eum Ki Sung, John Park, and our missionaries who are not so young, playing a soccer game against some students. Our women missionaries were cheering on our missionaries. They were full of spirit.

M. John Jeong gave us the following prayer topics and we earnestly prayed for UP:

1. Raise one ancestor of faith like Abraham
2. 30 Sunday worship service attendees
3. Sarah and Hannah may enter UP and become campus co-workers
4. The Philippines may become a missionary-sending country
