Kharkiv UBF Report and Prayer Topics, Ukraine

  • by WMD
  • Jan 17, 2012
  • 953 reads

“Make every effort to enter through the narrow door”

Word of God. My key verse for 2011 year was Luke 13:24: “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to”. I prayed through this verse to overcome my powerless spiritual life, to watch and grow spiritually. I prayed to overcome my private character and to be open to others. And I prayed to study the word of God deeply in order to have wisdom to serve modern students. I failed in my Bible Study plan and sometimes missed a morning prayer. But God was merciful to me and gave me His word and power through John’s Gospel. We studied this Gospel in 2011, and prepared SWS messages together with Sh. David. Also on Tuesday group Bible studies. Through this Gospel I learned that Jesus is the source of love, life and He is the light to the world. When I look at this darkness world where people are controlled by money, pleasure and live in lies and deception I feel the power of darkness, death and Satan. I also see the power of darkness when Satan deceives sheep by inspiring them with the fixed idea that pleasures are the most important things. What is worse I see infirmities, fears and troubles in my heart. All of this presses on me and sometimes I think “What to do? How to serve God in such conditions and in such time?” I through John’s Gospel I accepted verse 8:12: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Even though I live in a dark world, but if I live in Christ and follow Christ He lights my life. Through this verse I receive power and direction – to live with Christ, to live in light and to keep hope. Christ can overcome my infirmities, to change and make me helpful to God in Kharkiv.

Evangelism and sheep. In 2011 year we sought the ways to deliver the Gospel to the students in a way they can understand and accept. We made quality invitation cards and distributed them among students in campus. We also created our internet site ( and put our messages there; we registered as a club “”. Our sisters Shs. Joan of Arc and Victoria gathered together on Thursdays for prayer. And God sent us some sheep. Shs. Victoria’s nephew Br. Mark studies the 2nd course of Kharkiv Aviation Institute and regularly visited SWS. But at the and of 2011 year he disappeared; later it was known that he has a girlfriend. Yet he came for Christmas SWS and invited his friend. We pray he may accept Jesus as his personal Savior and seek fullness in Him but not in girlfriends. Shs. Victoria’s nephew Sh. Dasha studies the 2nd course of Kharkiv institute and also participated sometimes at SWS. She also wounded by sin and seeks healing in this world. We pray she may meet Jesus as her true husband. We also have Br. Pavel. He studied at Karazin University, but took Academic leave for 1 year. He has strong spiritual desire, and in the summer I with Sh. David visited him and met his parents. We pray he may continue his studies and grow as a faithful disciple of Jesus.

We cooperate with one Korean church “Awakening” in Kharkiv. Some years before a Korean missionary family came to Kharkiv, but Pastor Seo died and his wife together with two adult children live here. They have more sheep than we do, but less shepherds; we have more shepherds, but less sheep. So we gather one time per month together for SWS and fellowship. In 2011 year we have Christmas SWS together with them, and God sent more that 20 participants, including some new ones, who listened to the gospel message.

I thank God for our children and parents. In 2011 God gave a 3rd son, Ivan, to Sh. David’s family. Because of children our parents started to come to us more often, and they participate at SWS, listening to the word of God and God worked in their lives. In the past my father didn’t want even to hear about God and the Bible, but now he goes to church, prays and reads the Bible regularly. In the past Joan of Arc’s father sold alcohol in his village, but was rebuked by one priest, stopped his business and also started to go to church. I thank God who works by his mighty hand in our parents’ lives.

I thank God for His precious servants Sh. David and Sh. Victoria, for their labor and service. Sh. David participates together with me in message prepation, evangelism and material support. Shs. Victoria together with Shs. Joan of Arc prays and prepares heart-moving songs for SWS. I thank God for M. Peter and Sarah Kim, for Kiev UBF brothers and sisters, their prayer and service, for inviting us to the beautiful autumn conference “Ukraine is the holy nation”.

2012 direction and prayer topics  

  1. Colossians Bible study. Living word of God to Sh. Jacob and Sh. David that they may teach faithfully.
  2. To be faithful in morning prayer; sisters prayer meetings on Tuesdays.
  3. For br. Mark, s. Dasha, br. Pavel to accept deeply in their lives Jesus as their Savior. One Abraham and one Sarah of faith in Kharkiv.