Kwangju JBF Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jan 24, 2012
  • 923 reads

Exploring the Land of Canaan

Key Verse Numbers13:1-2: "The LORD said to Moses, “Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders.”

We praise and thank God for blessing the Kwngju JBF New Year's conference which was full of his grace.  On Jan.13-15 Kwangju JBF held it's New Year's conference with the theme "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit" at Sunwoon mountain Youth hostel, Chunbook province in Korea.  The number of attendees was 50 including new members (Zion Kim, David Kim, Saerom Kwak, Matthew Moon, Yedam Kim, Danbi Yoo, Youngseung Kim, Zion Lee, Bansuk Kim, Jinjoo Kamg and Uijin Suh). 

Lecture 1 was entitled "Explore the land of Canaan" based on Numbers 13:1-14:25 given by Sh. Yoonkyoung Park. Through her message she revealed God's wonderful saving grace upon herself and she also repented her lack of faith, and boldly encouraged all attendees to have faith in God, to explore each mission field, and to take part in world mission as if their mission field was the land of Canaan given by God.

Lecture 2  was entitled "Let me inherit of a double portion of your spirit" from 2 Kings2:1-25 delivered by Sh. Dongho Suh. In his message he thanked God for rescuing him out of a meaningless life and for using him as a precious gospel worker for God's world redemptive work. By his powerful message all were all moved and earnestly prayed together to inherit a double portion of Elijah's spirit so that they may overcome this perverse generation.

Lecture 3 was entitled "Let everyone see your progress" based on 1Tim 4:1-16 given by Sh. Moses Kim. Through his message he gracefully encouraged all JBF members not to be deceived by false teachers but to train themselves to be godly in their practical lives so that they may be outstanding spiritual leaders in the 21st century. They made clear decisions to train themselves to be godly.   

Three high school senior students presented their JBF graduation testimonies and they will be attending UBF ministry. Joseph Ahn accepted God's loving discipline for him, leading him to missionary training through Chinese school, language course in Canada, and attending the European Bible conference. He decided that he will be a missionary to Germany in the future. 

Minsuh Kim went through sorrow because his father passed away in his middle school year but he testified that God took care of him in his love and through his high school years while he studied in Kwangyang Ironworks high school and Keumho high school. He has been voluntarily serving lonely seniors with Jesus' love every week.  

Grace Han could do nothing but just enjoy playing games with her friends but when she began Bible study with Sh.Prayer Chae she was transformed, having spiritual desire for Jesus and she is faithful to JBF ministry and growing in Jesus' love.

After this there were 14 chosen JBF members sharing their sincere and wonderful testimonies.  Their names are : Saerom Kwak, David Kim, Yedam Kim, Elijah Park, Yesle Lee, Dohyun Yoo, Eunbi Lee, John Nam, Anna Cho,  Sehan Kim, Eunbi Han, Noah Yoo, Haeun Lee, and John Han.

Through this conference all the attendees were reminded of the land God has given to each person to explore and made a decision to inherit a double portion of Elijah’s spirit to train themselves to be godly. Those who did not share their testimonies repented of being idle and each held on to a new spiritual direction for 2012 based on one word of God.

We had Sports competitions. In spite of windy and cold weather all people actively participated in each game, such as Dodge ball, soccer, relay race and a spy game exploring five courses. It made each members excited and united in heart and spirit.

After this we took a psychological test entitled "Psychological Travel" led by Sh. Jiwha Kim (Majoring in psychological counseling).1) Each person could choose any animal he loves and it shows his character; 2) each person drew any picture he likes, and it showed his good point according to psychological evaluation; 3) by drawing a life graphic chart, each person could draw his past figure, and present, and his future figure so that he can figure out his true identity.

The last night, we had a graceful praise and prayer night. It was the time of making spiritual relationships with God, putting away all worldliness and only rejoicing in God with praise and dance and prayer.  At the end we all welcomed new members and each person picked a New Year's key verse from God and had quiet time to meditate.  

Jan.18 (Moses Kim - Kwangju JBF)
