Quezon UBF Mission Report, Philippine

  • by WMD
  • Jan 29, 2012
  • 1198 reads

“Continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of”

2 Timothy 3:14 “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it,”

The Philippines Ministry in 2011

At the start of 2011, I grieved that another year had started without any improvement in my ministry to which I have devoted 4 years. But the UBF 50th anniversary summer Bible conference had provided a prudent solution to my problem and presented a clear direction for the future. Among the messages that were shared in the conference, the message: “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of” provided great help to me. When I was in Korea, I felt ashamed of my weak spiritual life that I have lived for 20 years in Korea. I felt ashamed of myself declining in faith in contradiction to Abraham who has continually grown in faith to an extent that he could offer his son, Isaac, to the Lord. I realized that my life of faith was too monotonous and was weary just like a hamster going round and round a rolling wheel. So I decided to find a way to solve my problems. From that time on I began to consort to special prayer, Holy Spirit baptism, Catholicism theory, evil spirit theory, speaking tongues, etc. I thought that if I found a way, my shepherds might appoint me as a staff in return for my efforts. However, despite my efforts, I failed to find any ways of growing in faith; and everything seemed to go wrong. After those futile and worthless trials to find the right way, God graciously gave me one word, of which I became greatly convinced. During the Bible conference, I came to encounter the Word: “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of”. This Word then became my light and way on which I solely rely. I found that what I have learned and believe firmly is Bible study and prayer. In accordance with the Word, I began to solely consult the Bible and prayer. Finally, I succeeded in meeting Jesus through Bible study and prayer. Finishing my wondering, I decided to always follow the Bible and prayer. However, when I look back on 2011, I feel ashamed because of my faults and sins. I hope to discover God’s grace more deeply in 2012.

1. Philippines Ministry in 2011

1. Summer Bible conference

In 2011, we tried to further develop our student's spiritual lives through Bible study and worship services. As a result, our student became more spiritually mature; and we gained hope. As the date of the Summer Bible conference drew closer, we prayed for 10 students to attend the conference. However, most of the students who had promised to attend the conference, made excuses not to attend the conference. We became disappointed and decided not to have the summer Bible conference this year due to the lack of attendees. But at that time, one sister who has disconnected herself from us called us and asked if we will hold a Bible conference. Gladly, from that time, we changed our mind and again prepared for the conference. However, that sister did not attend the conference. But more importantly, one brother and two shepherdesses from Korea attended the conference. To my surprise, God performed miraculous work on the brother. He repented his hidden sin and made a decision to be a leader from now on. We thanked God who regards everyone as a highly valued one. My daughters Hannah and Sarah wrote better testimonies than last year. Pauline and Rebecca, the shepherdess from Korea wrote good testimonies and served the special song performance. From that time, I realized God’s gracious presence and work in our ministry. We obtained a small office inside the University of Philippines for worship service; and I thought that the brother would become a good leader soon. We began to see hope and vision that we can raise 12 disciples on UP campus. However, suddenly that brother entered into a network marketing company and became enslaved by money. He began to have greed and got a girl friend. He then kept away from us. I realized that the most prevalent problems in the Philippines are nothing other than money and lust. We would like to help that brother. We are praying to have either a winter conference or weekend conference. From this experience, we realized the need to study student’s minds to serve them wisely.

2. Making disciples

Filipino students usually do not say, “No” directly to our invitations to Bible study or worship service because they are good minded. However, after accepting our invitation, they hide themselves intentionally. At first, we did not understand such behavior. But now we came to know it is rooted in their culture. A number of students, who we invited, kept showing us the same behavior and we were disappointed wondering how to raise disciples. At that time Missionary Paul Ko advised us to raise one Abraham of faith in 10 years with patience. It was a good advice, which comforted us to try raising one disciple of Jesus without giving up.

In terms of the education system in Philippines, the secondary education ends at the 10th grade. So the students are 2 years younger than usual university students in other countries, which requires more care with patience.  Now that we understand this fact, we came to be more patient with them. When we first arrived here, it was hard for us to encounter a completely different atmosphere: the food, language, and living style was all different. It was especially hard for us to endure severe pollution and noise. I rarely went outside the village because of the severe pollution; and was always irritated by the noises made by people who are always having parties. It is sad to see my daughters studying in school without air conditioning in hot weather; and it is sad to see them going to school in the polluted air. The local people’s poverty is so severe that they steal the covers in the urinal. So most of the urinals do not have covers. Fortunately, God have helped us to adapt well to our new environment in the Philippines. Now we enjoy eating Filipino foods, we wear masks in the midst of the pollution believing we will be safe even though we breathe toxins and we make noise in response to others making noise. We are adapting little by little to the Philippines. And as we see our sheep growing little by little we come to have hope in the Philippines. May God raise Bible teachers and lead all of us on the right path.

3. Business

I was in agony for loosing my contract with my company in 2011. But one man introduced me to a Filipino engineer and a Korean engineer. We have been considering making a company together for some months and finally decided to do it. God led us to make our own company in the Philippines. The company began December 1, 2011. There are just two members including me. I became the chairmen and the Filipino engineer became the managing director. If someone comes from Korea as a co worker, I will hire him as vice president. We pray that this company can take part in developing our ministry.

4.  2012

2 Timothy 3:14 “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it,” When I looked back on 2011, I realized that I actually failed to keep that Word. I find myself foolish because I did not keep that Word which was given to me by God to stop me from wandering on a wrong path. I read daily bread everyday but did not meditate on the message deeply. However, when I look back on what I did, I find my tendency to neglect the importance of meditating on God’s Word, an act that significantly reduces my faith. Looking back on my spiritual life in Korea, I have met and communicated with God through meditating on God’s Words. I was touched every time I read and meditated on the messages in daily bread. However, last year, instead of meditating on God’s words and praying, I always occupied my mind with my business and work. I wrote many articles on the internet to blame and ridicule Mr. Lee who has increased the exchange rate which, in turn, significantly reduced my salary. However, these acts of writing accusatory articles towards Mr. Lee only revealed my greed and fear toward the world. My identity became vague; it was indistinguishable whether I came here as a missionary or business man. The only way to overcome this kind of spiritual depravity and confusion is to rely on God’s Word and prayer. I must always hold the Word “continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of”. God has given us as five loaves and two fish for our ministry in the Philippines. It is only by God’s grace and love that we can live here! We hope to continue living in God’s love and grace; and keeping the Word and praying in 2012.

Prayer topics:

1. Reading the Bible 1 time a year and write the daily bread 5 times per week.
2. Raising one Abraham and one Sarah.

By Msn. John Jeong
