Campinas UBF SWS and UNICAMP Visit Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 30, 2012
  • 624 reads

On Sunday, Jan. 29, P. Abraham and Sarah Kim and the remaining missionaries attended Campinas UBF's Sunday worship service, which was held in the same place as the Latin America director’s conference. Altogether, around 35 attended.

After joyful worship songs led by Nathan and the second gens, M. Paulo Kim delivered a powerful message in fluent Portuguese titled, “God Restored Israel with the Word of God” (Nehemiah 8:1-12). Israel was restored, not by reconstruction of the destroyed temple, but by whole-hearted Bible study. Brazil looks good outwardly as one of the ten big economic countries. Yet her violence, corruption, and sins are rampant. People do not love the word of God as they love soccer, carnivals, and worldly success. Now is time to return to the word of God. Only loving the word of God will restore Brazil. May God bless Brazil to be restored through UBF Bible teaching.

We also visited the Campinas UBF chapter and the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). From 2003, M. Paulo and Sarah Kim began to pioneer Campinas UBF with Anna (Medicine-3), Joan (Medicine-2), Grace (HS-1), and M. Andrew and Deborah Kim who now have two children after seven years of no children. God is raising Paulo, Fernanda, and especially second gens as co-workers and disciple-makers.

Their prayer topics are as follows:

1.     Raise two ancestors of faith like Abraham and Sarah
2.     Raise 12 disciples
3.     M. Paulo Kim’s Sunday messages on Romans
