2012 Africa New Year’s Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 30, 2012
  • 1249 reads

Explore the Promised Land (Numbers 13:2)

Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

African directors' conference took place from December 30 to January 1 at Pretoria, S. Africa. Most of the directors attended. Missionary Andrew Yoon could not attend due to an issue with his visa. Pastor Padet Deng and Shepherd Andrew Cortez of Capetown attended the conference. Dr. Samuel Yoo of Uganda was not able to attend for he got a new job and was not able to secure days off.

From Korea Shepherd Daniel Rhee attended. From the U.S. Isaac H. Kim of Downey attended. Shepherd Daniel Lee served a Bible study on 2 Kings 2:9, "The Double Portion of Elijah's Spirit". The Lord did great work among us. I think the Lord blessed the Bible study on 2 Kings 2:9. Coworkers were filled with the double portion of the Sprit that when the directors met together to discuss the agenda for Bible Africa and World Campus Mission, they were able to make important decisions in a record period of time: they successfully chose the key verse for

The upcoming African Three Regional Summer Bible Conferences. The theme also came out quickly, that is, Acts 1:8, "You will be my witnesses". The prayer topics, direction and vision also were decided: to raise up disciples as witnesses of our Lord Jesus; and establish missionaries to fully pioneer 55 African nations!

After the plenary session, we had a joyful eating fellowship. Then we got ourselves divided into three groups per three regions: The South Region (South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe); East Region (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda); and West Region (Nigeria, Ghana). North Region (Sudan, Egypt) decided to join the East Region.

At the regional directors' meetings, the Holy Spirit worked powerfully that directors in each region speedily fixed the three regional conference programs. [See below the tentative programs each regional directors’ meeting came up with.]

Shepherd Daniel Lee also presided over the late night African national directors’ meeting where we discussed the agenda for the 2013 New Year’s Conference. Through prayerful discussions, we were able to set the frame work and venue for the "2013 UBF Africa New Year Conference." Missionary Timothy Chung gracefully and joyfully hosted the conference in Tanzania at the Beach Side Hotel. Next year, we look forward to having a beautiful beach party in Tanzania just like our Risen Jesus had with his beloved disciples.

I have attended a number of business meetings in UBF, but the processes and results were not as quick and efficient as the Lord blessed the African coworkers to have. I think it is thanks to the leadership, and the spirit of loveworking among the African coworkers.

Dr. John Jun said, "Africa is the mission field of mission fields." [That means the world mission work in this land is by far most challenging.] At the meeting on the night of the last day of 2011, Dr. Luke Lim pointed out that there are 55 (not 54) African nations and we barely reached out to one fourth of them. So we have a long way to go.

On the New Year’s Day, Missionary James Lee of Pretoria UBF invited coworkers to the New Year’s Sunday worship service on the university campus he is pioneering. Because it was the New Year’s Day, the campus was closed. Yet, by faith Missionary James Lee challenged the school administration to open the school. So they allowed us to have the Sunday worship service on campus. The whole campus was empty, so only UBF people occupied the campus, and had a joyful worship service. By God’s grace, the Lord strengthened me to serve a Sunday message on Joshua 5, “Take off Your Sandals”.

[I also delivered to Msn. Jose Ahn the offerings from Unilag UBF of Nigeria and from Botswana UBF] 

●   Dates for regional conferences

○    North/East (from August 3-5, venue – Uganda)

○    South (from August 10-12, venue – S. Africa)

○    West (from August 17-19, venue – Lagos, Nigeria)

●  Pray for Missionary James Lee. He will continue to serve as the African Continental Director until the upcoming African Regional Summer Bible Conference. [Thereafter per the head office’s approval, the coworkers recommended that Missionary Andrew Kim of Sudan would succeed him.]

●   Pray for the new missionary Moses sent to Rwanda in Feb. 2011 by Uganda UBF

●  Pray for the foreign delegates to participate in the African Regional Conferences. Missionary James Lee will soon announce the “post conference visitation programs” for the foreign delegates so they could see Africa in each region and pray for the Bible Africa and World Campus Mission. [In case of S. Region for example, there is a beautiful Victoria Fall, so after attending the Summer Bible Conference in S. Africa, the delegates may wish to visit the Fall, and other neighboring countries such as Zimbabwe.]

Victoria Fall

Reported by Isaac H. Kim
