Sao Paulo Visiting Report, Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Feb 02, 2012
  • 1224 reads

On January 30th, Sh. Moses Kim (AnAm), Msn. Timoteo Rhee (Latin Director) and several remaining missionaries visited and prayed for our self-supporting missionaries in Sao Paulo. We were moved by their victorious spirit in self-supporting while serving God’s ministry, raising disciples and second generation missionaries as coworkers.

1. Dr. Elias Park’s Oriental Herb Clinic

He came to Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1991 with Joy Maria. They are pioneering University of Sao Paulo (USP) with the house churches of Dr. Timoteo, Dr. Josue and Msn. Mateus. Last year, God established two house churches (Nathan of LA with Ataiena and Omar of Mexico with Jeanne). Nathan and Omar are joyfully serving USP ministry. Four missionaries take turns to deliver Sunday messages these days. Dr. Elias Park’s Oriental Herb Clinic has many rooms to take care of three patients at the same time. Recently 4-5 patients come daily. 3 second generation missionaries of Dr. Elias (Moses Park (USP dental 3rd), Joshua Park (USP Dental 4th) and Peter Park (USP Pharmacy 2nd) served us for the transportation, guidance, and many other necessary services during Latin Directors’ Conference. They grew to be good coworkers of Dr. Elias Park. May God raise many messengers among local leaders and 12 disciples for USP ministry! May God prosper his clinic to have 15 -20 patients a day!

2. M. Mateus Kim’s clothing factory

Msn. Mateus and Paula Kim came to Sao Paulo in 1999. Samuel (16), Gail (14) and Mateus (12) are growing as coworkers. Two years ago they began a clothing factory by renting two store rooms in busy downtown. They mainly make women’s uniforms for semi- wholesale business. May God bless his business to prosper as God blessed Isaac in Gerar! May his family co-work well with Dr. Elias Park!

3. Noah Jung’s whole sale company of clothes

Msn. Noah Jung and Priscilla are pioneering Mackenzie UBF with Msn. Jose Kim’s family. His 2nd Gens are Noah (19), Sam (17) and Grace (15). He seems to be having good business these days. Still, we prayed that God may prosper his business as God blessed Isaac exceedingly among non-believers. He prays to have 10 one to one Bible studies and to raise his 2nd Gens as coworkers.

4. Jose, Rebekah Kim and Dr. Josue, and Ruth Ahn’s house churches

Msn. Rebekah Kim is doing an accessory business using the same office with Msn. Ruth Ahn. They are two women CEOs.  Msn. Jose Kim is working at home, and his house church co-works with Msn. Noah in Mackenzie pioneering. Dr. Josue got a PhD in Biology in Brazil and is praying to get a proper job that is suitable to his PhD degree while his house church co-works with Dr. Elias Park.

M. Jose’s 2nd generation missionaries are Isaac (USP Dental 3rd), Sara (who is praying for medical school entrance), and Rebeka (11). Dr. Josue’s 2nd Gen children are Eun Hae (15), David (14) and Isabel (11).

Reported by Msn. Jose Ahn
