Korean UBF National Student Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 13, 2012
  • 885 reads

On Jan. 31-Feb. 2 Korea UBF held the twelve  national student Bible conference with the theme "Do not conform to the pattern of this world" at a youth training center, Pyoungtaek, Kuounki province, Korea. God blessed this conference with his abundant grace and with 190 attendees.  

The opening message was entitled "Do not conform to the pattern of this world" based on Rom.12:2 and was given by Sh. Suengwon Kim (Wonchon center).  It gave all the attendees clear direction not to conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of their minds through the word of God so that they will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing, and perfect will in this perverse generation full of sin making young campus souls desolate.

Afterwards, six students shared their beautiful life testimonies. Each testimony showed their practical and personal struggling before God in order not to conform to the pattern of this world but to obey and to struggle to please God. Among them Sh. Joonsop Yuem (Jongro2) was a good influence to all the students because he accepted God's will and made a decision to devote himself to God as a full time shepherd giving up his desire to be a CPA.         

At the evening lecture Sh. David Kim (Korea UBF director) gave a message entitled "He appointed twelve" from Mark 3:7-35. Jesus did not call great numbers but just twelve as his chosen disciples. They were all from different backgrounds and were ordinary people. But Jesus chose only a few with the hope of God and helped them to grow as great men of God and changed human history through them. We all were greatly encouraged by the message that though the number of attendees in this conference is small, God has chosen them with the hope of God as great disciples of Jesus who will transform Korea campuses and world campuses through the gospel message. 

Afterward we had a talent contest prepared by each chapter with dancing, skits, a musical, and a drama. All the participants freely showed their hidden talents and passion. The second day's morning, lecture1 was entitled "God who was with Joseph" based on Genesis 37-41 and was given by Sh. Paul Moon (Youngnam ).  God had given Joseph a great dream but until his dream came true he had to go through many hardships. But God was with him when he was in trouble and finally he achieved his dream. All the students accepted the God of Joseph as their God and they also have desire to know God who puts great hope in their lives as he did Joseph. 

In the afternoon we had sport activities playing games on the ground which was covered with a lot of snow . It was a time of joyful fellowship in Jesus' love with unity though we were all from different chapters in Korea.  After that we divided into groups and wrote testimonies sincerely and shared with each other.  In the evening Dr. Samuel H Lee  (Zimbabwe; Honorary Korea UBF director) gave a special lecture. He testified how God was with him when he was serving God in Korea for about 40 years and when he has been in Zimbabwe as a missionary for about six months.  He also clearly testified that Jesus is our Lord and the Spirit of Jesus dwells in us.  Through this we could listen to the voice of God who calls us to be gospel witnesses and we have a conviction of faith that when we obey God as witnesses of Jesus, the Spirit of Jesus surely comes to dwell with us empowering us to overcome the world.

We had a united prayer meeting for Bible Korea and world campus mission led by Sh. Stephen Kim (Jinjoo). Through this we all could come to God with broken and contrite hearts and renew our hearts in Jesus. We cried out to God for spiritual revival in us, in our campuses, for world campuses, and for those who are suffering from illness among us. Through this we all experienced that our hearts were burning  from the Holy Spirit when we prayed together.

The third day, Sh. Joshua Lee (Hanyang) delivered lecture 2 entitled "God who intended it for good" from Genesis 42-50. Through this we accepted in our hearts the God who in all things works for the good of those who love him. Especially those who are undergoing sufferings were greatly encouraged in God's love. 

And then, four student shepherds presented their testimonies as representative testimonies. Sister Sarah (Kyoungsung) who is from Kyrgyzstan, had been struggling whether she would stand on Jesus' side or her Muslim parents' side because she was pressured by her parents. She made a resolution to follow Jesus and to live as a Bible teacher and a missionary in the future with the conviction of faith that God will be with her as God was with Joseph.

Brother Seung-il Yang (Kwangju3) had been growing in a broken family with pain in his heart. He also had to give up his dream of winning a gold medal in the Olympics due to wounding his elbow during a weightlifting competition. But he came to know Christ personally through one to one Bible study and began a new life in Jesus. The conference place, Pyuongtaek, was where he lost his dream but now the land became the land of grace for him with a new dream in Jesus because he could meet God who was with Joseph.  He made a vow to God that he will devote himself whether God calls him to be missionary or shepherd for campus students.  Rebecca Chang from Inje center and April from Chicago UBF revealed God's grace who was with each of them in their times of trials through their testimonies. 
We thank God for richly blessing the Korea national student conference and for inspiring all the student shepherds to have clear spiritual desire to please God not conforming to the pattern of this world.
We also thank God for enabling us to learn faith in the God of Joseph who intended it for good.
We pray that God may bless our student shepherds to have a great dream in God as Joseph did and to be used by God as his servants for 2012 campus pioneering work enduring hardships.
Jonathan Kim(Kwangju1)
