La Plata, Argentina Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 14, 2012
  • 771 reads

Remain in Me

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

We began the year 2011 holding on to Acts 1:8. We wanted to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in our ministry and our personal lives. God blessed us with the powerful word of God from the study of Acts, Daniel, and the gospel of Mark. God helped us to make a decision of faith through the study of the book of Daniel. Above all, we learned about the sovereign God who rules all the nations of the world. After that, we studied the gospel of Mark. We learned about Jesus who came to serve and to give his life to ransom us. Especially, Sister Nadia and second gens Juan and Jose wrote testimonies faithfully and grew as disciples of Jesus. Brother Jorge also studied the Bible regularly and grew as a disciple candidate.

We had the annual summer Bible conference together with Buenos Aires UBF.  Brothers Jorge, Andres, and Sister Nadia attended the conference. Nadia, Andres, Juan, and Jorge shared their life testimonies. Isaac Cho, Jr., Jose, Andres, Jorge, and Nadia served the praise music. Isaac Cho, Jr. served an evening program based on a book called, El Caso de la Fe” (The Case for Faith). God heard our prayers, and the brothers and second generation missionaries grew as men and women of faith. We had the Easter Bible Academy at our Bible center. We studied the gospel of the resurrection and watched the movie, “The Passion of Christ”. All of the brothers prepared a symposium on the lecture and shared their testimonies.

On August 22nd, M. Timothy and Hannah Rhee of Guadalajara visited Argentina to pray for the work of God after M. DK returned to the USA. We studied 1 Peter1:1-10. We prayed for M. Marcos and Ruth Kim’s family to succeed the work of God in Buenos Aires UBF. On Sept. 20th, UBF General Director Dr. Abraham Kim and Dr. Joseph Ahn visited Argentina. They blessed the work of God in Argentina with their prayers. Although it was very brief, they visited our missionaries’ businesses and the campuses to pray. May God use them very preciously to serve world mission.

God was with us in 2011. God gave us his precious word all through the year. Brother Andres had a good time in Argentina and returned to Korea with a new vision.  Second gen. Juan Moon entered the National University of La Plata and completed his freshman year. Sister Nadia grew as a source of blessing to the students at the College of Art and her family. Isaac Cho, Jr. finished all of his college courses and only needs to take final exams to receive his degree. In spite of economic crisis around the world, God helped us to manage our business well and gave us increase in sales so that we might serve God’s work and family. Also, he helped us to enlarge our vision through the mission reports of North Korea and Afghanistan. We learned about the love toward one soul and the passion to save lost souls.

More than anything, God used us continuously as an instrument of his word in the campus of the National University of La Plata. He gave us compassion and love to share the word of God with students throughout last year. Brother Ivan began Bible study and participated in Sunday worship service although it took 4 hours. It is the work of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of prayers of our coworkers. I pray that God may help him to overcome his school studies and experience the spiritual world through Bible studies.

Our God is the God of vision and hope. He has done a marvelous work among us during the last one year in spite of our shortcomings. So all we can do before God is to give him thanks. I pray that the year 2012 may be a historical year for the work of God in La Plata.

Prayer topics:

1. To establish one Abraham and Sarah of faith.

2. 20 1:1 Bible studies and 20 Sunday attendants.

3. To have 6 new sheep.

4. M. Isaac Cho’s Sunday messages.

5. To raise the second gen. missionaries as good gospel coworkers.

M. Isaac Cho
