Perm UBF Mission Report, Russia

  • by WMD
  • Feb 14, 2012
  • 3202 reads

1.     God granted us citizenship

In 2011, September our family moved to Perm and struggled to settle down for a year and a half. The biggest event in 2011 was that our five family members except me received citizenship. For 8 years after getting green cards, we had struggled to receive citizenship by spending much money and energy without a convincing result. However, on February the president signed our citizenship papers. My four children and my wife became Russian and my children were qualified to study in public schools for free. I thank God for his mercy upon our children and my wife through giving them citizenship. I pray that God may grant me also citizenship in order to serve the work of God.

2.     Self-support through KCISA (Seoul)

Last year, I received certification to teach Korean through an online class and applied to the University of Perm. However, I was not allowed to work at the University of Perm because I did not have a regular college degree from Korea. By God’s mercy, I taught Korean for a day at the university. In July, I was offered a teaching job at a school that is from first grade to high school and I began to teach three students. I am planning to open a branch office of KCISA (Korea Culture Information Service Agency) in the city in Perm by next month. It will mainly provide language services for businesses. We pray that God may bless my work to support our ministry and my family.

3.     Korean Visit

I visited Korea due to my father's cancer surgery and took care of him for a month at the hospital. During this time, I had a chance to pray for my family. I helped my mother to attend a church. By God’s grace, my father had successful surgery. I thank God who provided me such a good chance to serve and fortify my family's faith in God’s grace. While I was in Korea, I visited many UBF chapters and had wonderful fellowship with them.

4.     Prayer for a new house  

We had prayed to buy a house to serve the ministry in Perm.  In order to purchase a house, we needed to sell our old house at Ekateriburg. At the end of the year of 2010, God sent a buyer and the house was sold. Now we are praying to find a decent house for the house church ministry. We had missed two chances to purchase a house. But we believe God will provide it in his best time.

5.     The work of God in Perm

We started the pioneering ministry with John’s gospel and Genesis Bible study. I realized that the word of God is essential to lay the foundation of the ministry. In this way, a messenger is hugely important to support the work of God. God has trained me to grow as a man of God’s word since we moved to Perm. However, I could not focus on the word of God due to many worries. At the end of the year and this New Year, our whole family finished and started with Bible reading and it was really inspiring. I hope that we often have the Bible reading together this year.

We visited campus on every Saturday to invite students and Grace, who is my wife, served on Sunday morning faithfully. As a messenger, I tried to concentrate on God’s words. However, it required much struggle to overcome my laziness and new culture shock. So I often missed my mission life in Ekateriburg. In spite of my weaknesses, we laid the foundation step by step for one and a half year by God's grace. In the early stage of the ministry, P attended our worship service and studied the Bible with me. He brought his friend K and K lived with us for a month and a half before he joined the military service.     

Looking back on the last year, I was limited to serve discipleship ministry with my poor message. I often felt shame to bring students to our small house and to deliver my message before them. I was powerless and was lacking in faith and served God’s work with the spirit of timidity. So I resolve to grow as a powerful messenger of God’s word by digging out his words this year.

Please pray for me to grow as a powerful messenger of God's words to fortify the ministry and eventually raise disciples of Jesus.
