Sudan UBF Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 16, 2012
  • 1201 reads

Sudan UBF Mission Report

“Samuel said to all the people of Israel, ‘If you are really turning to the LORD with all your hearts, remove from among you the foreign gods and the images of Ashtoreth. Give your hearts to the LORD and serve only him. Then he will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.” (1Samuel 7:30)

I. 2011 mission report

I thank God for using me for the Sudan gospel mission during the last year. I thank God especially for blessing me to attend the 50th anniversary of UBF ministry in Korea as one of the testimony speakers last year.

We studied the Book of Samuel and the Book of Kings last year. God blessed us to learn about him, the Ruler of world history, and how the people of God should live before him through these studies. We learned how to turn our hearts to God by giving up worldly life. I delivered Sunday messages with M. in turn during the last year.

We held two conferences: the Easter and the Summer Bible Conference which was held at the beginning of Oct. last year. We had the Easter conference on the April 21-22 based on 1 Corinthians 15:1- 58, with the title “The Power of the Resurrection”.  We had two lectures: “The Gospel of the Resurrection” and “The Power and the Glory of the Resurrection”, with twenty students. God blessed us to learn the importance of the faith of resurrection in Jesus. All of us accepted Jesus deeply into our heart as the only one way of solving the problem of sin.

On October 6-8, we had a Summer Bible Conference with the title, “Preach the Word”. About thirty students including leaders and seven new sheep attended the conference. We studied the Book of 2 Timothy by dividing it into four lectures. M. A. Kim led all group studies and shepherd P. delivered a message. We learned that God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline in the first study. In that study, we learned that we must overcome all of our problems of fear only by believing in Jesus who gives us power. We also learned how we can become good soldiers of Jesus Christ in the following studies. All attendants wrote and shared testimonies for every study. I thank God who richly blessed us with the powerful word and heart-moving testimonies at the conference. We also raised two new leaders during the ministry last year.

When we see our situation, there are many things that give us fear. Many Christians worry that the activity of Christianity will be daunted and churches will be persecuted in Sudan after South Sudan had completely seceded from North Sudan, for many Christians moved to their home towns (South Sudan) last year. I sometimes feared how can I continually serve the gospel ministry in Khartoum, which is located in a Muslim area. But I believe that God gives us the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can do everything through him only by faith. I pray that God may protect the churches and Christians in Northern Sudan. May God continually raise many good soldiers of Christ in Sudan through our one-to-one ministry.

We held our Christmas worship service with thirty students including four M students on Dec 18. M. delivered the Christmas message based on Luke 1: 67-80. We learned that Jesus is the horn of salvation and the rising sun, who gives us the power and glory of salvation. Jesus is the light of the world, and whoever will believe in him will never walk in darkness but have the light of life. We had a testimony reading time, Bible quiz, a short drama about the birth of Jesus and an eating fellowship as a celebration. Before and after the message, we also listened to beautiful Christmas songs from the Khartoum UBF chorus.

II. 2012 prayer topics

1. We pray for God to give us peace between the two nations: Sudan and South Sudan. South Sudan became independent from Sudan (north) this year. Sudan (north) is an Arab nation and South Sudan is an African nation. Still, there are many problems they have to solve; border, sharing patrol, dual citizenship, and other political issues.

2. We pray for the Regional Conference in the Northern part of the African nations in Malakal, South Sudan, July 27-29. The city is still an undeveloped place: electricity, water, transportation, goods, buildings, and other public facilities have problems yet to be solved. We pray that God provides us a good place for the conference.

3. We pray to establish two house churches by 2012.

4. Pray for selling our center building for a good price. We will divide the money into two for supporting the building of a Bible center in Malakal, South Sudan, and also building a new center in Khartoum, Sudan.

5. Pray for one-to-one Bible study with 20 sheep and 25 Sunday worship service attendants in Khartoum. Especially pray to feed sheep from Nuba mountain area and Blue Nile states because there are some Christians.

6. Pray that we may continually help some sheep.

7. Pray for me to have a stable job in Khartoum and a permanent visa next year so that I may continually serve discipleship ministry in Sudan.

8. Pray for M. to complete his PhD program in Egypt and join Malakal UBF ministry in South Sudan as a professor and director as soon as possible.

9. Pray for leaders in South Sudan to grow until they become independent Bible teachers and future missionaries. Nine leaders are growing there.

10. We pray for sh. R. to pioneer Juba University soon through getting a job as a lecturer.

One word: Preach the word in season and out of season.
