South Africa, Pretoria UBF Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 17, 2012
  • 1600 reads

2011 South Africa, Pretoria UBF Annual Report

James Lee

I. What God did in 2011

1. The ministry of the Word of God.

On the first day of 2011, I made a resolution to read two chapters of the Bible daily. I chose 1 Peter 2:2: “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,” as my new year key verse. I could not keep this plan within a satisfactory level. However I meditated on some portions of the scriptures and it made my spiritual life solid against the attacks from this fallen world. 

In 2011, we studied Matthew’s gospel. As we study this scripture, we could observe the nature of the kingdom of heaven, because Jesus repeated this many times. In order to serve the ministry of the Word, I did factual study on a regular basis, and made question sheets accordingly every week and studied it with others.

2. The work of God through the conferences

There was the Easter conference in Lefika camp on April 15-17. The title of the conference was “Who do you say I am?” The number of attendants was sixty including the second generation. Sh. Christiaan delivered a message based on Mark 3:1-12. Its title was “Stretch out your hand” We learned that Jesus wanted to heal the shameful parts in our lives as soon as we stretch them out to him. Brother Ali started one to one Bible study in 2004. But he seemed to enjoy playing soccer with brothers, not committing his life to Jesus. He was touched y this passage and made a decision to know Jesus personally.  Sh. Motheo was self-conscience about her appearance in other eyes. She felt shame because of her appearance. When she stretched out her inner conflict Jesus made her free with complete healing.

We had a spring conference at Lefika camp on September 9-11. Its title was “Jesus, the Passover Lamb”. God sent 17 new sheep. Missionary Stephens Choi who is serving students in Johannesburg University attended with his five sheep. They were moved by Jesus’ love who became a redemptive sacrifice in our place saving us from the consequences of our wretched sins. They were touched by the Spirit of God.

Brother France was thankful that he was changed from a life bound by sin to a new life in Jesus. Sister Kate used to live as a habitual Christian enjoying fellowship with others in church. She was troubled when her father denied her financial help. She ate only a meal a day because she did not have money. In this situation she complained but she did not bring this matter to God because she did not have faith. But by Motheo’s invitation to Bible study, she could learn how to rely on God personally for her practical life problems. She found Jesus close to her.

In Korea, there was the 50th anniversary in Jangchoong Gymnasium on May 29, and missionary conference in the Education & Cultural Center Hotel on May 30 to June 1. James and Josephine Lee and Christian participated in the meeting and learned how God worked greatly through our sincere Bible study in campus mission for the last 50 years. 

3. Raising house churches

God blessed us by raising three house churches this year. The first house church of this year was between Sh. Theophilus and Sylvie on March 5. There was a great hindrance before marriage by Sylive’s brothers. But this couple had enough faith in God to overcome the barrier. This event was a symbol of victory in our ministry because it was such a happy event and a blessing to us all. They are serving Sheep Pan’s fellowship.

On June 11, Sh. Abia married Mpho with Daniel Rhee’s officiating. From a worldly point of view Sh Abia is a high official in the government and Mpho is a medical doctor. But they were the good example to brothers and sisters, because they married with the single purpose of serving God’s campus mission.

God established another house church between Sh Christiaan and Sarah on December 3. The key verse of their marriage was 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” Jesus was a wonderful light both to Christiaan and Sarah in their particular life circumstances. Jesus healed them and brought them together by a blessed marriage. They are serving the resurrection fellowship.

4. Pioneering Mozambique

We have been praying for pioneering all African nations. God moved our hearts to visit Mozambique to see what it is like so that our prayer can be more practical. Sh Stephens, Abia, Theophilus, and James Lee crossed the border by car into Mozambique on July 30. We, as an investigative team, found that they were using the language Portuguese and had a strong heritage of communism. However some students could communicate with us when we tried to study with the English NIV Bible. We went fishing at the University of Eduardo in the capital city, Maputo, and invited brothers to Bible study on the following day.

While we were there, five armed policemen approached our car, and threatened us and forced us to pay traffic penalties. Before being arrested we paid and escaped from their hands narrowly. On the following day we waited for the brothers but they did not come to us. We again fished some students visiting hostels. In the end we studied John 6 with brother Cremildo and another five.

We invited brother Cremildo to our Discipleship Training on November 29-December 1, and he attended the program gladly. He travelled from Maputo, Mozambique to Pretoria, South Africa all the way by bus. We thanked God who worked in his heart. He studied Genesis 12- 25 and wrote a Bible testimony based on what he learned. When he returned to his place, he studied with others in Maputo from what he learned from us. It was the work of God though it seems small. We believe that God put a dot in the land of Mozambique and with it he will do great things in the future. We saw a vision that God would raise many Bible-loving young people in Mozambique.

II. 2012 Prayer topics

I want to devote myself to study the Bible and to teach it constantly.  In this regard, the attitude of Ezra is a good model for me. I selected Ezra 7:10 as a key verse, “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.”  And my prayer topics are as follows:

1) Matthew and Leviticus Study in 2012.

2) Pioneer Mozambique

3) Regional Conference on August 10-12, 2012
