Sao Paulo, Brazil UBF Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 18, 2012
  • 1377 reads

Your Young Men Will See Visions

I.  Work of God in 2011

“In the last days, God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’” (Acts 2:17)

In 2011, Missionaries Nathan and Omar came to Brazil, and four second generation missionaries (Moses, Joshua, Peter, and Samuel) grew as protagonists in the work of God. As a result, our ministry grew to be very youthful.  Through our effort to become a community of love, our coworking vessel has grown strong. While taking care of the second generation missionaries, we could encourage one another. I praise God for his grace and blessing.

First, two house churches were established.

God established a family of faith between Sh. Nathan from LA, USA chapter and Sh. Ataiena, and between Sh. Omar from Mexico City UBF and Sh. Jeanne. Through their examples, Brazilian brothers and sisters learned biblical perspectives of marriage and value system. We pray that these two families always remember God’s grace, will and vision and be used by him preciously for his redemptive history.

Second, one-to-one Bible study ministry. In spring semester, new missionary Nathan went out to the campus to fish and began to study the Bible with 2-3 sheep in English. He became a good example and encouraged us.  M. Theresa Han served 1:1 ministry faithfully while taking care of her three young children. During winter vacation in July, second gens Moses Park, Joshua, and Peter prepared Bible study notes for Genesis, and they grew as Bible teachers in the second semester. Now brothers and sisters Reynaldo, Guiherme, Amanda, another Guilherme, Filipe, Julio, Rafael, Mariana, Leandro, Daniel, Eliana, another Daniel, Janethe, and Mauricio are studying the Bible 1:1.  We pray that they may meet Jesus personally.

Third, Sunday worship service. We completed the study of Genesis and Exodus. M. Elijah Park, Matthew Kim, Timothy Han, and Joshua Ahn served the Bible study. The word of Genesis widened our hearts to see God’s world. Through Genesis study, Bible teachers were raised. God gave us desire to study the entire Bible all the way to the book of Revelation. We pray to make a specific plan and carry out the study of the entire Bible.

Fourth, the growth and education of second gen missionaries.


The second gens. Moses Park and Joshua Park received messenger training through serving the summer conference and the discipleship conference. Each Saturday at 5p.m. we had testimony sharing meeting, and missionaries and shepherds counseled and helped the second gens one to one. Through Bible study, testimony writing, and counseling, the second gen brothers came to realize their spiritual problems and began to grow spiritually. They are receiving servantship training through music, cleaning the center, and daily bread. Next year, we pray for the second gen. brothers, Peter Park and Samuel Kim, to receive one-year discipleship training.

Fifth, Strengthening of the Vessel of Coworking. To build a loving environment in our community, we celebrated members’ birthdays and gave gifts after the Sunday worship service. Also, we helped all of the second gens to have Bible studies. Through this, our love relationship grew like that of a family. We could work together for the gospel ministry well. In 2012, we pray to cowork with a same heart through 1:1 and disciple-making ministry.

II. Direction for 2012

Key Verse:   2 Timothy 4:2a “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season.”

Prayer topics:

1. To help one sheep faithfully.

2. To maintain 6a.m. early morning prayer meeting.

3. Graceful Sunday messages

4. Discipleship training

Personally, I could renew God’s calling and vision through participating in the 50th year anniversary UBF world mission report and 2nd generation international conference in August in Bonn, Germany. Based on 1 Peter 4-7, I pray that 2012 may be the year of learning faith, integrity, knowledge, perseverance, patience, holiness, and brotherly love.

Reported by M. Elijah Park
