President Jin Kyoung Kim's special lecture report, Seoul

  • by WMD
  • Feb 20, 2012
  • 698 reads

On Feb.12, 2012 President Jin Kyoung Kim gave a special lecture at the Centennial Memorial Hall, Seoul Korea. There were about 1000 UBF brothers and sisters who completely filled the hall from the regions of Seoul, Kyoungki, and Inchon. The lecture was heart-moving and full of grace for all the attendees.  

Through his experienced lecture, we could learn about how God prepared one man of God, and has been preciously using him for his mission work and for peace in the region of the Northeast. In addition we also learned about how great the power of love is in God. Through this we renewed an earnest desire to put the love of God into practice in our mission fields and in our practical lives with the conviction of faith.  We also desire to be prepared servants of God for world redemptive work as his instruments as is President Kim.  We thank God for giving us such a great opportunity to hear his heart-moving special lecture given especially for us.

Caleb Kim
