Beautiful wedding between Sh. Christoph Tornau and Msn. Hanna Ryu, Germany

  • by WMD
  • Feb 23, 2012
  • 1977 reads

Last February 18th, we had a wedding ceremony in the Bonn UBF European Mission Hall. Sh. Christoph Tornau and Msn. Hanna Ryu established a house church for German and European campus mission.

This was the first wedding in Bonn, Germany after the marriage of Msn. Peter and Msn. Maria Lee five years ago. God blessed this new house church with his word from Genesis 12:2. They accepted that God’s promise and a life sharing God’s blessing is God’s greatest blessing for them. They pray to grow as a great nation and a source of blessing for the pioneering ministry in Koblenz and for this postmodern generation.

Many family members, relatives and friends and about 150 UBF co-workers happily attended the wedding ceremony and blessed this house church. Especially, Msn. Samuel H. Lee and Msn. Anna Lee from Zimbabwe and mission co-workers from Czech, Poland, Switzerland and Germany came to Bonn and attended the wedding ceremony. Thank you for your prayer support for this new family.

This newly established house church is spiritually very important because Sh. Christoph was invited and raised by a native shepherd, Elke Dietzel. Please pray for this house church that they can prepare themselves spiritually and practically to be used for the pioneering ministry in Koblenz. We pray that they can be a source of blessing and a good spiritual influence for their bible students, their parents and relatives.

In Christ,

Dr. Peter Chang
