Nigeria, Lagos UBF Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 29, 2012
  • 1382 reads

Nigeria, Lagos UBF Annual Report, 2011

Peter Park

“Do not let this book of the Law depart from your mouth, meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8)

Praise be to God and my Lord Jesus Christ who has shown his tender mercy throughout the year. Thank Jesus who continuously shapes my life and others’ lives for his salvation task. Grant me victory in my mission life depending on your word day and night in the coming year. I pray in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

I. Annual Review in 2011

1. God’s work through the new year key verse

The key verse was Heb. 11:29: “By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land, but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.” God trained the Israelites in Egypt and freed them from bondage at that time. He led them to see the mighty God with their own eyes in front of the Red Sea. Most of them failed to keep up their faith at that fearful moment in helpless circumstances. Last year I did pray to pass through the Red Sea of settlement with this word of faith in Jesus. My missionary life has passed over 21 years but I am still in unsettlement as far as my financial stability. I wondered what is the cause of my problem? Is it my fear, inability, lack of funds, or lack of faith? God sustained my life of faith even though I did not see visual results of success in my business. He led me to pass through uncertainty through prayer, reading the Bible, keeping morning devotion, daily bread writing, Bible studies and messages. The struggle to pass through the Red Sea is based on this key verse which helped me to come closer and closer to God. I acknowledged God personally. I praised God in my heart and life more than ever. My character is to grow and uphold my living God from my heart. Waiting for God for his miraculous sign meant entrusting everything to Him and surrendering my plan completely. It was time for me to become humble and rest on God and wait for his time persistently. It was to reestablish my relationship with my Lord Jesus. He is right there waiting for me to prepare my heart and deeds. He increased my faith with this training of uncertainty and stress in the lack of funds. Jesus blessed me last year through this waiting time with his revelation in my life. My heart became more humble and less anxious which increased my conviction

God kept the Luke team brothers like Moses, Kenny, Rechard, Franklin, Oladayo, Wale, and sisters like Lala, Oluchi, Chioma. They are juniors and seniors in school. This years’ remnant brothers are Tonny, Annu, Adeola, James, and sisters like Latifat, Egiro, Emilia. Shep. Ben passed the Bar Exam this year. God granted us to raise 2 brother lawyers and 2 sister lawyers in our ministry. I pray that they will be influential leaders to serve students with one to one Bible studies. Brother Tayo graduates with CGPA of 4.25. He was an orphan but he kept his faith even though he was a multi religious person. By Shep Abraham’s fatherly care and Sheps Elizabeth’s motherly love, he returned to our ministry at the last moment before his departure into society. They treated him like their son keeping him in their small flat and shared food what little they had. He is very able. We pray for him to be a lecturer in Mass Communication in his department. There was the work of evil spirits also against our ministry’s growth. One leader was with us over 12 years. He brought a girl to marry. We asked him to leave the ministry. He chose the girl exchanging his church and 12 years’ friendship and his faith in campus mission. Another leader was a volunteer to be a missionary to West Africa. He spied out the land of Ghana and Liberia. He went to Korea for the 50 years’ anniversary. But he could not overcome his dream to marry according to his desire. We asked him to leave the ministry for his girl. We could not succeed in the establishment of a house church this year. But our leaders joined the prayer meetings and testimony sharing on Friday. Shep Fato’s family paid the high rent to stay near the center. He started to sacrifice their money for the gospel work and campus mission. Shep Abraham’s family struggled to stay near the center. They kept their faith to serve God’s flock opening their home for sheep. They are ready to pioneer Lagos Chapter 2. Shep James’ family sustained the Medical school chapter with his faithfulness to the work of God. They were keeping morning devotion and sharing Daily Bread together in the morning.  Presently 12 brothers and 9 sisters keep their faith as tent members. Last year graduate tent sisters, five in number, left the ministry with various excuses. But those remaining sisters are far better in their commitment outwardly for their regular Bible studies and testimony writing weekly and participation in the morning devotion and various meetings. We are praying for a separated dwelling  for they are all in one compound.

2. Bible Study

Throughout the year we studied Ephesians and 1, 2, and 3 John and Genesis. Through the study of Ephesians we pray to learn the spirit of Paul, which showed his love and burning zeal raising God’s workmen for the church of the Ephesians. 1, 2, and 3 John taught us to keep our faith in Christ strong and to continue loving one another. With the study of Genesis we gained the knowledge of practical faith, challenges, difficulties, and the faithfulness of God through the patriarchs. All of us renewed our pattern of life of faith as Bible teachers and what we are commended for in our generation. Two native leaders and two missionaries delivered messages and proclaimed it persistently with the hope of powerful work of word of God. We served God and our church with the basic obligation as servants of his word. But we messengers are so weak to dig and meditate on word of God personally. We have a limit in time and training, enthusiasm and concentration for the preparation of spirit filled best messages and the progress of deeper meditation of words of God. I felt this was a fundamental matter as messengers. What is the matter and why can’t I see any advancement? I compelled to make my progress spiritually depended on the power of Holy Spirit by dedicated prayer and meditation on his word daily and the regularity of spiritual activity like morning devotion. Without the improvement of my personal spiritual dedication, a messenger can not reveal the deep truth concealed in the Bible. Now we are presenting messages every Sunday. The impart of the spiritual gifts by messengers makes the church strong and encouraged. Next year we agreed to prepare messages one week earlier and perfect it with our devotional prayer and practice.

3. 1:1 Bible effort to bring new students.

Shepherds, shepherdesses, missionaries, graduates, junior upper level brothers and sisters are potential Bible teachers who numbered over 40 in our ministry. Actually 20 less numbers are teaching 1:1 Bible studies now. Shep Ben and Sabastines take care of sheep with many members but they hold Bible study with a group. They could not sacrifice their time to study with others and taste spiritual joy working for others. Their challenging spirit for students through Bible studies may increase their faith taking care of many students over 10 to 20. I pray that God may use them for the increased Bible studies in our ministry. Our shepherdesses are expected more for the commitment for taking care of sheep with 1:1 Bible studies. God may open up their hearts and have true meaning of their existence by Bible studies. Juniors and seniors are able to study Bible with sheep. God may touch their hearts for the work of God as Bible teachers while they are in school. Our challenges are to lead them for the work of God as their life pattern and new life style to live with. The nature of our ministry is to build up leaders through Bible studies and commitment. How can I drive the ministry in the way of victory and fruitfulness? Bible teachers who are so eager to teach the Bible and be able to teach students are our hope and the purpose of existence of our ministry. This momentum is the source of growth of shepherds, shepherdesses and growing leaders. To guide growing leaders into the acceptance of a Bible teacher’s life is essential for sustaining the ministry. I must encourage them for this mission or they will be naturally divided whether they are benefit seekers or gospel workers.

4. Conferences

a) Easter conference

The title of the conference was “WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM” 1 John 3:2. We thank God for his life-giving words to students in the land of Nigeria. God blessed our Easter Bible conference in 2011 with his promises and vision newly. We prayed to raise Bible teachers among students and Ghana may be pioneered again by Shep. Babatunde and serve the Cameroon chapter. We also prayed for the successful 50th anniversary service. Participants were 73 in number. The uniqueness of the conference is to summarize the Holy Spirit’s work among us with the heart moving messages by four shepherdesses and growing leaders’  sincere life testimonies. God’s word touched them and led them to accept the will of God and have a burning zeal to be like Jesus in their lives newly for all participants. I felt the powerful presence of Holy Spirit among us throughout the conference.

The preparation of the conference was to gather mornings and evenings for prayers over a month. Most tent members got together and shared 4-5 persons’ daily bread everyday for our prayer meetings. Those prayer and daily bread sharing prepared our hearts and invited Holy Spirit’s work for the conference. There were graceful work of the word of God. “Should be the same that of Christ” Philp. 2:1-30 by Sheps Chiaka, Jesus made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. Jesus humbleness and obedience brought our salvation. She delivered gracefully to direct us to imitate the life of Jesus and continue to work out our salvation. “How to know God” 1John 2:1-11 by Shps Ronke, “Spiritual revival” 1 Samuel 7:1-17 by Shep Fato, “When the Holy Spirit come on you” Acts 1:1-11 by Shep Truman, “A workman approved by God”2Tim 2:1-26 by Shep Rajesh, “Suffering servants” Isaiah 53:1-12 by Shep Babatunde, “The gospel must first be preached”  Mark 13:1-37 by Sheps Elizabeth, “We shall be like him” 1John 2:28-3:10 by Sheps Kemi, “Men for mission” Gen 1:26-2:3 by Shep Ben. Our shepherdesses delivered messages for the first time. We wish they might come and give their hearts for the ministry work as a replacement for giving heart for the success of their welfare of the family. They delivered message wonderfully. Brothers like Moses, Franklin, Rechard, Kenny and sisters like Lala, Nike, Latifat shared their life testimonies. There testimonies were so sincere. Through the conference, we learned that “God the Father has lavished the great love on us that we should be called children of God and we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.”

b) Summer conference

The title of the conference was “You will be a blessing” by Gen. 12:2. We prayed for raising men and women of faith holding on the promises of God like Abraham through the success of the conference. Gathering young students for the victory in Christ Jesus is a great task and noble challenges in this generation. During our conference preparation, one leader was asked to leave the ministry because of his desire to marry one sister by himself. This environment made it the conference preparation difficult. It was so heavy and the positive fishing ministry was oppressed and affected the conference preparation mood. But we challenged this situation and made a spiritual atmosphere for laying the groundwork of the conference. Four shepherdesses delivered messages with spirit and had a better approach with a more persuasive style. We prayed every night together. Shep Ben delivered a message with the title of God’s judgment and salvation based on Genesis 6 and 7. God called one man Noah and trained him to be a speaker of God’s message building the ark. Noah overcame and obeyed the word of God and carried out the God-given mission for his life. He turned out to be a chosen remnant for his generation. God revealed his power of salvation and judgment to Noah’s life. Sheps. Ronke served the second main lecture with the title “God calls Abraham” on Genesis 12:1-20. God called the old man to begin his long term project of raising  chosen people and revealing his special salvation master plan. The third main lecture delivered by shp Gbenga entitled “The armour of God” on Eph. 6:10-20. We must be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. We must put on the full armour of God so that we take our stand against the devil’s schemes. We must take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. The armour of God in our Christian life can sustain His call to serve our generation for fulfilling his salvation work. The total participants were 68 in all. It was like our worship service number. God renewed us in the calling of God.

c) Christmas Service

We studied five Christmas messages including the last service of the year. School was closed down because of a strike by lecturers. We gathered together to share daily bread and practiced the chorus of “For unto us a child is born”. We planted into the heart of growing students the gospel of the birth of Jesus.

5. Self-supporting

The establishment of self support is my earnest desire in my mission life. I went to China and Ghana two times with the hope of business establishments but there was no fruit. Sometimes it burdens me so much why God keeps far from me this issue. Is God too weak and harsh ignoring me? God knows what is best for my life. God trained the Israelites for 40 long years in the desert with daily bread for their spiritual transformation from slavery to mission-minded life and holy life and the lifestyle to hear the word of God. God trains me waiting for his time of provision. Actually He provided my needs and my children’s tuition fee of high school through the ministry. I am so grateful for help. Their university tuition fee is to depend on a bank loan. My Ministry now must grow in numbers to pioneer other universities. My ministry must be abundant. My mind is so fearful and narrow concerning the financial issue. Whenever I think about the financial issue I am burdened and stressed. I wish to be free from the burden and anxiety from the basic necessity of family and ministry. My desire for self supporting missionary life has not been completed yet. Even though I prayed 40 days’ unperfected fasting prayer anxiously and with utmost expectation. Many prayer topics came to me but there was no practical results. God shapes me for his salvation task in my life with his daily bread. He will surely open the storehouse of his bounty in his time in my missionary life.

Missionary Peter and Ruth Ko’s family served sacrificially for five years in the Nigerian ministry. He is going to return to Korea in January. Truman and Maria Lee’s family supported faithfully to sustain the ministry. When I returned from the training in the UK their family encouraged us to complete the work of God. Through their help I got Nigerian citizenship in December in which I waited for three years. I may have a little flexibility with the resistance paper in this land. Sheps Monica prayed for the ministry persistently and bore all inconveniences of the shortage of funds. She took care of children with love continuously so God granted Monica Jr to get admission in Handong University to study Global Management. Abraham and Elizabeth Owoeye’s Family kept their faith in a new challenging environment. He resigned his job and started a new business. His family is going to pioneer Lagos Chapter 2 from January 2012. He may practice leadership and increase his faith and bear more fruit. I pray that shep Olumide and Bro Tayo will be faithful co-workers in his pioneering work. Shep James and Ronke Olushina’s family serve the Medical school faithfully. They are growing spiritually while they take charge of one chapter and serve difficult sheep. They sustain their manger ministry with their offerings for medical students. Shep Seun and Kemi Adebayo’s family served sheep faithfully raising Bro. Kenny as a Bible teacher. Shep John and Aderonke Fatoinbo’s family moved to stay near the Center and struggle to take care of sheep. They are going to have their own fellowship

6. Regional co-work and visitors.

We invited Marc Choi Jr from France. He studied English in school and taught French to our brothers and sisters. He received admission from a University in France and returned. The participation of the 50th Anniversary reminded to keep basic obligation as my life mission. I am so privileged to be a little part of this salvation ministry.   

II. The vision and strategy 2012

1. New Year key verse

“Do not let this book of the Law depart from your mouth, meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8. Joshua became the successor of Moses for the possession of the promised land. At the beginning of his task, God directed him how to be successful physically and spiritually for the mission. God planted faith and vision in Joshua’s heart. He must be unwilling to accept defeat. Joshua had enough strategy and skill at this stage of his life. But God directed him to use the God-given word as his manual to conquer the new land. As a spiritual leader, I must be victorious in doing the work of God. I must have a strong sense of victory in God’s word and His power. 40 Bible teachers and 100 SWSA in three chapters must be raised this year. Growing leaders will bring their tithe absolutely to show the faith of obedience and richness in God’s word. Morning devotion and testimony writing must keep to light burning incense in our heart temple and awaken our spiritual lives always. I must go back to the Bible meditating on his word daily over 15 chapters absolutely this year and keep over five teams of Bible studies. God gave me his gift of the word of God to depend on it like my manual for victory. God wants the best of my life from now on. Joshua suffered over many years in the desert but God’s time had come to completion to give the best blessings of God for him. God can replace the frustration in my heart with his richness and fruitfulness and victory. The business success in me shall establish financial stability for the growth of the ministry. I must feel compelled to rise to challenges and do everything in the power of God’s word to achieve victory for the ministry and my life. My spiritual leadership and personal victory can provide the motivation, empowerment, and direction to win  the growing members in the ministry. God shows me the vision of victory this year. Praise God who has hope in me and uses me for his salvation purpose in my remaining life.

2. Bible academy and conferences agenda

Last year we never held any Bible academy in school. We could not challenge to raise junior leaders for leadership and for the purpose of Bible teachers through a Bible academy. This year we will hold it at least three times in a year. We are going to have a regional conference. The awakening of our spiritual condition and preparation of junior leaders shall be perfect in holding a Bible academy. We also set a friendship time among leaders through the one night and two days program two times a year. We are generally busy working and living but togetherness among leaders compelled the necessity because they are tired in many ways. We will have a retreat for fellowship leaders only two times a year. We are going to have two general conferences including a regional conference. Through these programs we will raise junior leaders to have a right understanding of the word of God and train them to obey the word of God and elders. We will raise messengers and five minutes messengers among juniors.

§  Prayer topics;

1. Send one missionary to Ghana

2. Raise 40 Bible teachers and 100 SWSA.

3. Establishment of a self-supporting Business

4. Read Bible absolutely with the expectation of his victory

One word: Meditate on the word of God daily for victory in my mission life.
