Jakarta UBF Mission News and Report, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Mar 02, 2012
  • 1041 reads

Our 2012 New Year's key verse is Ezekiel 37:10: “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.” Spiritually speaking, Indonesia is like dried bones with religious relativism, a slave mentality, idol worship, and sexual immorality.

We need to proclaim the words of truth like the prophet Ezekiel to many Indonesian young people. Last year, we did not yield much fruit in making disciples. However, we endeavored to do Daily Bread, group Bible study, and testimony writing and sharing. This year, we want to further extend our spiritual struggles to bear inner fruit by listening and obeying the words of God. I want to share with you what God has done in the Jakarta ministry recently:

In January 2012, we had a New Year's conference at our center for two days in the evening. After the conference, we began forming several Bible study groups in the early morning on Sunday. This creates a good spiritual environment for the worship service. We thank God for such a good spiritual atmosphere to prepare our Sunday worship service.

From January 12-14, Hengky, his wife Shim, and my wife and I attended the Asia Director’s Conference in the Philippines. I presented a special lecture titled, “The Father’s School,” and we watched a movie which taught us the importance of decisions which put off our old self in order to prepare for the mission life. Likewise, in our ministry, we need new decisions of faith to prepare for the next 50 years to serve the work of God.


After the conference, Pastor Abraham, the general director of UBF, and his wife Sarah Kim visited the UBF chapters in Indonesia. Pastor Abraham gave the wedding address at the wedding ceremony of Yanti and Isaac, who came from the USA. After the wedding, P. Abraham and Sarah Kim visited each chapter even though they were tired after a long mission journey from each continent. We were all encouraged and comforted by their visit. Through his advice, the five directors, one from each chapter, will meet regularly once a month at the end of the month. We planned the first gathering for February 5 at Jakarta UBF. May God bless our meetings and help us to have one heart and mind in order to serve the work of God and share the love of Jesus together.

By God’s grace, we established one house church between Brother Dwi and Sister Sam on November 5, 2011. Dwi had been growing as a disciple of Jesus for 7 years and Sam for 12 years. They are very sincere and exemplary growing leaders in the Jakarta ministry. Under the good influence of Sam, S accepted Jesus and is helping another sister through 1:1 Bible study and this sister is ready to be baptized. We thank and praise God who is doing such a wonderful work in and among us.

The following are our prayer topics:

1. 30 weekly Sunday worship service attendees and 40 weekly one-to-one Bible studies.
2. Sunday message by Peter Kim and three other leaders by turn.
3. Pioneering work on seven campuses: Ukrida, Untar, Trisakti, Esa, Unggul, Atma, IPB, IKJ.
4. William Kim's family’s adjustment and new mission life in Jakarta
