Update of Dr. James Suh's health, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Mar 02, 2012
  • 629 reads

Dear precious servants of God:

On March 5, Dr. James Suh is going to have a second round of chemotherapy.  Actually his second round treatment had been scheduled this week but it was postponed due to his physical condition--he is too weak for the treatment. (His eating is not well so he lost weight, and his (GOT, GPT; amylase, lipase) rate is too high.(liver and pancreatic enzymes).  
At this time he is being given an injection of anticancer drugs twice a week in order to prevent the spread of cancer cells to his Cerebrospinal fluid while he is waiting for the second round of chemotherapy.

Currently by God's grace his appetite and eating are gradually getting better and the function of his liver and Pancreas are on the way back to normal. He has no fever in his body and his white cell rate came back to normal, however, he continues to have anemia.

We thank God for the labor of love and earnest prayers from servants of God throughout the world for him.

Prayer topics for the second round of chemotherapy are as follows:

1. God may help him to be strengthened for the second round of chemotherapy by restoring his appetite and eating well.
2. The function of his liver and pancreas may return to normal.
3. His bone marrow may be completely restored.

In Christ,
Ilki Hong