Botswana Mission Report and Prayer Topics, Africa

  • by WMD
  • Mar 06, 2012
  • 964 reads

Botswana UBF Annual Report, 2011

(Timothy Chung)

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ." (Colossians 2:2)


I praise God for having used us in the Botswana campus ministry during 2011. I thank God who has provided our physical and spiritual needs.

2011 was hard for us spiritually and physically. At the beginning of the year, we had to move to a new house. But one day, three robbers armed with knives and steel rods broke into our house. When they broke down the door, I was falling into sleep, and heard nothing. When they turned on the light in the room where Msn Deborah and I were sleeping, I opened my eyes. But it was too late to fight them. They threatened us and tied my eyes and hands. But God protected my family, letting them just take our laptop, digital camera and some cash, including the offerings. I reported this to the police, but they did nothing. For some months, I had a hard time. I felt shame, because I couldn't defend my family, though I was a Taekwondo instructor. It was also difficult to look on people with love. Everyone seemed to be robbers. But I could meditate on Jesus who loved his enemies and the two robbers on the cross.

After Sunday worship services, we made time to write Bible testimonies based on the message and shared them. Though it took less than an hour, the attendants meditated on and accepted one word. We used to give them sweets or chocolate candy to learn the confession of David, who said, "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"(Ps119:103) On Wednesday evening, we had a daily bread sharing meeting on campus. We thanked God for helping Kitso and Charity learn to meditate on the Bible and write what they learned.

Michael has been growing for three years and serving the Sunday worship service as a presider faithfully. He was also used as a messenger for the Bible conferences. He has the personal grace of salvation. He has a desire to be a shepherd. But since he failed in some subjects this year, he stopped growing and became unfaithful. He missed the Sunday worship services and 1:1 Bible studies. When I saw him not listening to me, it made me suffer much. I earnestly pray that I may continue to take care of him, so that he can recover his faith.

In May, 2011, sister Anikie graduated from Botswana University and became an auditor in a foreign company. Once she left UBF but came back after Msn Deborah's prayer and visit to her house. She even broke her relationship with her boyfriend. Many times, she had to work hard till late at night, even on Saturdays and Sundays. Msn Deborah visited her room in the evening, served her with 1:1 Bible study and used to come back home at 10 pm. I worried about her coming back late, but she was happy to feed her. Anikie could keep faith and offer her tithe that amounts to 57 USD. She grew as an orphan in her relatives' house. So she has a desire to marry a white rich foreigner and live comfortably. I pray that she may live a rich life in Jesus and establish a house church for campus mission.

I had to see students leave me one by one. It was hard to invite students to 1:1 Bible study and Sunday worship service. One student went to UK for his study. But brother Kitso and sister Charity came to the word of God faithfully. Kitso served Sunday worship service as a presider. And brothers Martin and Kobookile, and sister Kabo came to God's words regularly.

In July, shepherd Daniel Rhee and shepherdess Miso Rhee visited my family for 4 days. Their visit itself was a great encouragement and brought gladness to us. My three kids were pleased with precious presents they brought and they fed us with 4 lessons from 2 Kings. One Saturday I was waiting for a student in his dormitory room to do Bible study with him. After waiting 40 minutes, I left for my house. When I was near my house, he sent me a message saying that he was back and ready for Bible study. But I told him that I was already near my house and told him to come to Sunday worship service. I wanted to go back to him. But I wanted to watch EPL (English Premier League) more. He did not come the next day. Through the 2 Kings Bible study, I could learn the desire of Elisha, who was angry with King Jehoahaz and said, "You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times."(2 Ki 13:19). I repented my lack of desire and decided to serve Botswana campus mission ardently.

In the year of 2012, I pray that we may learn the mystery of God, namely Jesus. My purpose is not to increase the number of UBF members. My purpose is that they may find the mystery of God and live a rich life in and for Jesus. We will continue the study of John's Gospel in 2012. I pray that God may bless this study and we may grow in Jesus.

One word : "To know the mystery of God, Christ."
