Bowman UBF Mission Report, Moscow

  • by WMD
  • Mar 14, 2012
  • 1011 reads

Love the LORD your God with all your heart

Bowman Moscow UBF Report 2011

Last year’s key verse was from Isaiah 40:31, “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” What is the hope of the LORD? It means to have hope in God only, relying on God and expecting God’s help; but we did not actually do that last year. We want to look back on last year and give thanks to God for what God has done last year.


I. God worked through his word and in sheep.

We studied John’s gospel. Jesus is the light, the truth, and the way. Jesus loved us and served us with his wonderful grace. Jesus had compassion on people. We accepted the heart of Jesus. We prayed sincerely and repented because we lost vision and passion. We wanted to give our five loaves and two fish.

One missionary was able to accept Jesus’ humble heart and wonderful love. He was working to resolve his material problems. He got tired of working last year, but he was able to accept Jesus’ love and began to invite students. He delivered the message for the fall Bible conference. He delivered the message based on God’s grace that saved him from spiritual darkness and granted him living hope; it was so graceful.

Another missionary repented because she always would worry about her circumstances without truly believing in God. She acknowledged God’s grace in providing every necessity in unexpected ways. She prays by holding onto Jesus who gave food to five thousand people.

One person studied the Bible steadily and was able to deeply recognize his sin. He has a desire to resolve his problem before the Lord.

When we looked back last year, we could not serve people very well. We struggled with material problems. We had very hectic days. We were about to become servants without God’s mission. However, God helped us to restore our faith primarily through the gospel of John and granted us new people. Last year, one person attended every Sunday worship service. We pray that God may help each of us to serve one or two more people, and we pray that God may help us to raise up one ancestor of faith at Bowman University of Technology.

II. CBF Conference and 2nd Gen Ministry

We held our first CBF Conference July 11-13. The missionary kids had been suffering in many ways. Through a message on Hebrews 11, Bible study, and a presentation of UBF’s history, they refreshed their identity before the Lord. The last day, there were Bible studies between the missionary kids and their parents so that they could understand and love each other. I pray that this conference can be used preciously for the ministry to the missionary kids so that they too can have a clear direction as missionaries. Joseph Kim, Calvin Kim, Martin Kim, Jieun Kim, and John Kim grew very well. I pray that they can each grow as a servants of God and they can become good coworkers in God’s mission as missionary kids.

III. Self-Supporting Ministry

I thank you for this ministry and I thank God that we could love in-depth and cooperate very well. I thank you that we lived last year, by the grace of Jesus, without serious difficulties. Jonathan Kim prayed for his business and did many things to become self-supporting. He began a new business. His wife, Ruth, is a translator. I work in the embassy. Petra also has a job as a translator. I thank God that he provided every necessity for us. I pray that we may believe and pray in our Heavenly Father continually, and we may serve God’s work abundantly.

IV. Resolution for this year

We have learned that believing, trusting, and loving God were most important when we were in the midst of problems. I pray that we can love God and serve God based on Deuteronomy 6:5, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”

Specifically, our prayer topics are as followed:

1. We pray that we can go do outreach at least once a week continually, and that each one of us may meet a new person so that our Bible studies, Sunday worship service, and summer Bible conference ministries may be advanced.

2. We pray that we may raise up Abraham and Sarah at Bowman University of Technology.

3. We pray that Georgi, Andrei, Natasha, and Lena can study the Bible steadily and can be transformed.

4. We pray that God may help us to raise up twelve disciples of Jesus in four years and establish three new families.

One Word: Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
