2012 Uruguay UBF Summer Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 23, 2012
  • 599 reads

This was the 8th summer Bible conference since we pioneered Uruguay.  We thank God for accepting our five-loaves-and-two-fish faith and blessing this conference. The theme of the 2012 conference was “God’s Infinite Love” based on Luke 15.  We chose Shepherd Marcos Seba (Edu. Computer 4) as a messenger and prayed for the work of repentance in him.  The first day that we arrived at the conference site, it was over 38 degree C. As soon as we arrived, we had a group Bible study on the main lecture in the shade of a tree by the lake.  This opened attendants’ hearts and set the spiritual atmosphere of the conference.

On the second day, four members presented the passage in a drama and the attendants were moved by the love of God. The Holy Spirit moved Sh. Marcos Seba’s heart and helped him repent and deliver the message powerfully.  Through him we could see the potential of raising native messengers.  Some of the attendants confessed and repented their sins like the first son, and others like the second son. They accepted the love of God and their testimonies were graceful. The first lecture was, “Jesus Who Came to Call Sinners” based on Matthew 9:9-13. We learned the love and grace of Jesus that changed a tax-collector Levi to Saint Matthew.

Lecture two was, “Prayer in Time of Distress” from Psalm 57. Sister Nieves delivered the message.  When she was asked to prepare a message from this psalm, she was so happy because it was her favorite Bible passage. She shared how in a difficult situation at work she remembered this psalm and prayed in the bathroom. Then God gave her peace and she could overcome her distress. When David was in the dark cave of Adullam, he saw a vision of the glory of God to fill all the earth and praised him. Through this, we could also have the vision to see the glory of God in Uruguay. We could reconfirm our prayer topics to raise 12 house churches, 10 missionaries, and raise Uruguay as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

Lecture three was “You Will Catch Men” from Luke 5:10.  When we trust and obey Jesus like Simon, we will experience the deep spiritual world and God will make us fishers of men. The message was about growing as disciples of Jesus and having faith and hope to raise 12 disciples of Jesus.  We thank God for Brother Adrian for his sincere testimony.  He made a decision of faith and prayed earnestly for God to heal his mental sickness.

Sister Lorena and Pibo shared heart-moving life testimonies. In total, 14 people attended the conference. M. Rebekah invited Sister Ruth (Graphics 3), and Ruth invited her brother, Jorge (Medicine 2). It turned out that in the past Jorge had studied the Bible with M. Graciela Choo. Knowing this increased our joy.  The name of the conference site was “My Refuge”. We thank God that during the conference, we enjoyed the abundant grace as if we were in the shadow of the wings of God.

Reported by M. Jose Park
