Update of Dr. James Suh's health, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Mar 27, 2012
  • 794 reads

Currently Dr. James has a fever 38 °C( 100.4 °F) and again is hospitalized. Please pray that he may be quickly recovered from pnumonia and resume his third stage of chemotherapy. 

Now Dr. James is awaiting for his third stage of chemotherapy. After the second stage of chemotherapy the tumor in his body is smaller and is 3 cm now. He continually has cough, sputum, and a mild fever caused by pneumonia and his inflammation rate is high. Because of that, it is hard to resume the third stage of chemotherapy. Therefore first he will be discharged on March 27 (Tue) and will be treated with antibiotics and get rest. Again he will be hospitalized on March 30 for his third stage of chemotherapy.

On March 30 he is scheduled for blood tests and a chest X-ray to determine whether he has pneumonia or not. Please pray that he may be healed from pneumonia soon and may continue his chemotherapy without delaying.
Prayer topics:
1. His pneumonia may have gone quickly and resume his third stage of chemotherapy.
2. All the tumors in body may have gone after the third stage of chemotherapy.
3. Strengthen his body and faith for bearing the chemotherapy and protecting him from side affects