2012 Ottawa-Montréal UBF Easter Bible Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 12, 2012
  • 1018 reads

The Gospel: The Power of God

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (Romans  1:16)

The Ottawa and Montreal UBF ministries (including UBF Université de Montréal) met at Place d’Youville in  Chateauguay, Quebec for a joint Easter conference on April 6-8th, 2012. Through this conference we experienced the power of God which was renewed peace and hope in our lives through the Bible messages on the Easter theme. Though many people came for different reasons and spiritual burdens, everyone felt renewed in their faith in Christ and some with faith in Christ for the first time. This conference was unique because the main Bible lectures came from a group of growing young disciples in our ministries who received training and coaching from fellowship leaders. Each of the 3 days of the conference was based on a specific theme.

On Friday we heard messages on the facts of the gospel. After an opening message with direction the prayer and direction to experience the power of God by s. Joshua from Ottawa ministry, b. Alexei from Montrèal UBF gave a vivid description of Jesus suffering and death on the cross. Through b. Alexei`s message we learned that Jesus words on the cross, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” was his pain of being completely abandoned and forsaken because of our sins. We learned that his abandonment allows us, who have abandoned God, to be forgiven and renewed in a relationship with him.  Next s. Sylvia reviewed the facts of Jesus’ resurrection as viewed through Matthew`s gospel. Though the resurrection seems impossible we realized that we must accept it because it is a fact. Through accepting it we receive victory over sin and sorrow with new life.  

On Saturday the theme of the conference was, the meaning of the gospel. To know the meaning of the gospel is very important for a successful life of faith. Through the Saturday morning devotion message s. Veronique showed how we need to accept Jesus as the resurrection and the life each day so that we may not live a sorrowful or an “I know, but I don`t have any power” Christian life. b. Marcel prepared an excellent message from Peter`s letter titled, “By His Wounds You Are Healed”.

From his message we learned the meaning of Jesus death and resurrection. Jesus calls us to a life of suffering as his people in fallen world. We follow in his steps. This is thanks to Jesus because by his wounds we are healed. This gives us a positive view about suffering because we now have a personal relationship with God through Jesus our Shepherd. His message was followed by a life testimony by s. Marlyn from Ottawa UBF who testified to Jesus’ ongoing healing, spiritual growth and decision to start a 1:1 Bible study ministry this year. Next, everyone shared testimonies on this passage in their Bible study groups and 4 students, Carolyn, Matthew, Matthieu and Ray shared their testimonies in the evening program. From these student testimonies we could see how Christ is giving spiritual life to Canadian university students. In the Saturday evening program b. Lesedi shared a message based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-34 “In Christ All Will Be Made Alive”.  Through his message we thought about the deep meaning of what it means to have a dead faith in Adam as compared to a living faith in Christ by his resurrection. Many of us could feel new life despite old problems.  

In the Saturday evening program we heard 3 life testimonies from m. Tim from Humber UBF, a conference guest, m. Dana from Ottawa UBF and m. Faith from Montreal UBF. Their testimonies reflected the deeper struggles to gain new life in Christ in a practical and personal life of faith.  Then, we celebrated what we call our Saturday, “Resurrection Night In Canada” and fellowships presented, beautiful music and songs, hilarious dramas as well as a worship night, led by Luke jr.  that really helped us to rejoice together  in this growing life in the body of Christ with everything we had. 

On Sunday the theme of the conference was the effect of the gospel where we heard a message from b. Nicolas “Where Not Our Hearts Burning Within Us?” based on Luke 24 where Jesus met 2 of his disciples who were leaving Jerusalem for Emmaus. This showed us how Bible study with the Risen Christ and the Scriptures can make us change our decisions of despair to decisions of courage and faith. To complete the conference s. Rita gave a strong closing message from Jesus world mission command in Acts 1:8. B. Alexei and s. Rita along with the Christopher family will be pioneering more Canadian universities in Halifax.  

Finally we shared holy communion together with m. Luke presiding over the communion service. We were thankful for the positive encouragement from guests from Humber UBF and North York UBF in Toronto. We thank God through Christ for helping us to celebrate a truly meaningful Easter conference between Ottawa and Montreal ministries with  67 attendants and for giving us renewed power in our lives of faith.

Reported by Sh. Andrew Christopher
