2012 Nicaragua UBF Summer and Easter Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Apr 16, 2012
  • 825 reads

“If You Believe, You Will See the Glory of God”

Nicaragua UBF had a Summer Bible/Easter conference during April 4-7 in the Mennonite Camp called Crucero. A total of 28 persons attended the conference including 4 children. It was difficult to prepare this conference; Leaders were exhausted due to their school studies, jobs or other personal problems. But we were encouraged by the Sunday message a week before the conference and could prepare the conference: John 5:24-25, “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life;” John 6:9, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” M. Juan Kim gave an announcement that although there was only one week left, if we gave our hearts to the preparation, God would do miracles. We couldn’t prepare many programs. Instead, we devoted ourselves to message writing and inviting sheep.

The first day’s evening message was delivered by Sh. Sandra on Genesis 3, “Adam, Where Are You?” Afterward, Sh. Betsy from Venezuela UBF, Junior Sh Fadia, and Brother Bismark shared their life testimonies.  The second day’s morning devotional message was delivered by Junior Sh Mariano on John 3 “You Must Be Born Again.” The first main lecture was delivered by Sh. Yasiris on John 4, “Jesus, the Living Water,” and M. Rebeca Kim delivered the evening message on John 6, “Jesus, the Bread of Life.”

The third day’s morning devotional message was delivered by a Junior Sh Jonathan, on John 8, “Neither Do I Condemn You.” Sh. Luis from Venezuela UBF, delivered the 2nd lecture on John 19, “It Is Finished!” He memorized his message and delivered it almost by heart. It was powerful and full of grace. His life testimony gave us much hope of transformation and drew us to the cross of Jesus. The third day’s evening message was delivered by M. Juan Kim on Exodus 19, “A Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.”

The fourth day’s final message was delivered by Sh. Maria on John 11, “Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life.”  Sh. Maria struggled so much with her broken marriage and her immoral life, but she was strengthened newly through the message.  Each messenger shared their sincere life testimony after delivering their message and this moved the hearts of the attendants. All of the attendants wrote their testimonies sincerely, and among them, Sisters and Brothers Rosa, Cristian, Mirna, Jahoska, Erik, Marcio and Mainor shared their testimonies in the meetings. They openly confessed their problems of family, sinful desire and other sins and repented sincerely.

For this conference, two shepherds from Venezuela, Luis and Betsy, came to support us. Our brothers and sisters are still young spiritually, so I had requested M. Juan Seo to send us a shepherd who could be a good example for them. M. Juan Seo sent us the most fruitful and exemplary shepherd family and they were such an encouragement to us. Sh. Luis delivered the message of the cross, led a group Bible study, and helped Brother Jonathan with his message. He also participated in the multi drama with the theme of a Samaritan woman, encouraged, and trained our brothers who were timid in acting. Shepherdess Betsy led the praise, served two sister messengers, led a group Bible study, and helped the sheep. They served wholeheartedly.

After the conference, as a post-conference lecture, M. Juan Kim delivered Sunday message on John 21, “Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep.” For two years, due to poor health and stress from work, he felt very difficult to serve the ministry, but hearing the voice of Jesus, “Do you love me? Feed my sheep,” he decided to serve the ministry newly. Also, even after the conference, Shs. Luis and Betsy led a symposium on the discipleship program in Venezuela. Most of the leaders, junior shepherds and brothers and sisters stayed to share what they learned through the conference. They confessed that they received powerful and living words of God. It was the fruit of the sincere struggle of the messengers through writing their personal life testimonies and also testimony writing at the conference. Attendants come to know Jesus, the Living Water, and were healed of their sin problems and wounds through the cross of Jesus. It was a conference in which not only the sheep, but also the leaders came alive through the grace of God.

Nicaragua is a land of volcanoes and lakes. After the conference, together with Shs. Luis and Betsy, we visited the famous landmark of Nicaragua, Masaya Volcano and Lake Nicaragua. Our brothers and sisters had a wonderful fellowship with Shs. Luis and Betsy for they stayed at the common life house.

I pray that God may bless our John’s Gospel study continuously, grant us a proper discipleship program, and give us his grace that young sheep may grow as disciples of Jesus. I thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit through the prayer support from Korea, USA, China, and Latin America.

One Word: Feed My Sheep

Report by M. Juan Kim
