Depok Easter Bible Conference Report, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Apr 18, 2012
  • 936 reads

"Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." (Acts 3:6)

Praise Jesus who is the Lord of resurrection and life. Praise God who gave His One and Only Son Jesus to die for our sins and raised him on the third day to give us new life. I pray that God may give His servants the living hope of resurrection and life. I especially pray that God may strengthen Sh. James Suh and Sh. Phillip Lee with the power and authority of the resurrection and continue to use them for His work.

Our Depok center held its Easter Bible Conference from April 6th to 8th at the center.  I praise God who worked powerfully through the messages. We had prayer meetings three times a week for a month to prepare for the conference. Four weeks before the conference, we studied the first message, Ezekiel 37, "Dry bones become the army of God", the second message, Ezekiel 47, "Everything will live" and the third message, "Young man, get up!" as the Sunday message. Through this, we received vision and hope for Indonesian young people to be restored and be alive spiritually through the word of God. We held onto this prayer topic for the conference despite difficulties and God abundantly blessed our conference.

Missionary Joshua powerfully delivered the opening message based on 1Corinthians 15:3-4, "Jesus died and rose again according to the Scriptures." The speaker and all the audience were moved by Jesus' love and cried.

After having GBS fellowship by fellowship, missionary Joshua gave a message based on Daniel 1, "Daniel's faith and decision." Through his message, God's love and faithfulness were clearly revealed to Daniel who loved God and made a decision of faith. Missionary Joshua has been working as a professor at UPH (University Pelita Harapan)  and is praying to begin a pioneering ministry in November. May God bless his decision of faith and his pioneering ministry at UPH.

On the second day, missionary Moses delivered a message based on Daniel 3, "Even if he does not." People were moved by God's faithful love that protected Daniel's three friends in a blazing furnace and revealed His glory through a critical situation. God helped us to make a decision to live a life of faith like Daniel's friends while in this idolatrous and corrupt world. After the message, we wrote testimony and had a Bible Quiz Competition. The students really enjoyed this competition, so we want to do this again next year.

On the third day, missionary John gave a powerful and spirited Sunday message based on Acts 3:1-10, "By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." We learned that although we don't have gold or silver like Peter, we have the name of Jesus to spiritually challenge the paralyzed people.

While planning and praying for the conference, I tried to help by praying for leaders who had been losing their spirit due to job problems, financial problems, marriage problems and future problems. God answered my prayers and restored the spirit of leaders and sheep through the conference. Thank and praise God. I pray that all of us may only worship God in this corrupt world and reveal the glory of God through our faith like Daniel and his three friends. I pray that we may continually devote ourselves to 120 1:1s and 120 SWS attendants.

After the conference, we want to study John 6:22-59, "Do not work for food that spoils" as a special lecture and study Ecclesiastes, which we have studied from this year. We had studied for 7 weeks through Ecclesiastes 4 and now we want to finish this book before the Summer conference in August. I pray that God may have mercy on me and grant me spirited messages from Ecclesiastes to empower me and our ministry.

Thank you.

In Christ,
Peter from Indonesia.
