Beautiful Wedding of Isaac & Yanti Nguyen, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Apr 25, 2012
  • 1224 reads

There was a beautiful wedding between Isaac Nguyen (Minneapolis) and Yanti Yeyen (Salemba, Indonesia) on January 21, 2012 at Depok UBF Center in Indonesia. P. Abraham Kim, General Director, officiated the wedding with a message based on Genesis 12:2.

Under the Vietnamese communist regime, Isaac lost his father who was a South Vietnam officer. God led him to Minneapolis, U.S.A, and, during his college education, called him through M. Stephen Yang to be a disciple of Christ. Yanti wandered not knowing the meaning in life.


During her college life in Jakarta, God called her through M. Joanna Park and raised her to be a shepherdess. She will be the first missionary from Salemba chapter, Indonesia. A special song was presented by the Indonesian shepherdesses and Indonesia UBF chapter directors prayed for the couple to be a blessing to the world.
