2012 NIU & DuPage Joint Easter Bible School Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 25, 2012
  • 534 reads

Key Verse-Luke 24:6a                                                                                                                           

"He is not here; he has risen!”

The Joint DuPage & NIU Easter Bible Conference took place at the DuPage bible house on April 13, 14, and 15th.  We studied Luke's gospel from chapter 22:63-24:35 with the title "He Has Risen!"  We wanted to have an overcoming spirit this year, like Caleb before entering the promised land.  Everyone has things to do and burdens and stress but we wanted to learn how resurrection faith in Jesus shatters all burdens and all hopelessness and depression.  Just like the women at the tomb, all attendants had their spirits lifted and hope in Jesus restored through the wonderful singing, prayers and messages and testimonies.  We felt as if we were in heaven through wonderful co-working and the promises of Jesus who died for our sins and rose again from the dead.  As Easter is a time of new life and new beginnings, this time God gave young and fresh students a chance to share the word of God as speakers and service presiders, in the hope that they may grow to be spiritual leaders for the future ministry.  

On the first night after having graceful group bible study NIU co-workers led the singsperation with their beautifully trained voices from Mark, Sarah, Augustine, and Jennifer.  Jennifer Jesmer from NIU as a presider shared her graceful testimony about finding her identity in this world through Jesus.  For NIU provided heavenly singsperation and special songs throughout the conference, we were truly blessed.  The opening message was delivered by Pastor David Kim based on Luke 22:63-71.  He powerfully recounted Jesus' arrest and brutal treatment, but he wonderfully shared Jesus' testimony, "You are right in saying I am."  Jesus gave us great comfort by confessing that he was the Son of God who came to suffer and die for our sins.   The second message was shared by Amanda Kender based on Luke 23:1-25.  She is a music major attending COD.  In her message about how the crowds had been waiting for the Messiah but when he came the day rejected him and called for him to be crucified, Amanda shared in her testimony about her strong Christian up-bringing.  She shared how her life lost control when she forgot who's she was.  But through Bible study she is being restored to the image of God's child and decided to bring her friends to Jesus.

On the second day after having another graceful group bible study Isaac Bahn shared his testimony. He felt like prisoner in church from his youth. But like Cyrene, he touched by Jesus' cross and overcame all bitterness to love the ministry. On the second night, Paula Terova gave her heart for her first message based on Luke 23:26-43. She really understood message of the cross and even proclaimed that Jesus is the Almighty God and reminded that she should trust God first based on Jesus' sacrifice. On evening, the second message is delivered by Matthew Monroe based on Luke 23:44-56. Through Jesus’ Last Word on the cross, we learned Jesus' unshakeable faith could move heart of centurion. We learned that Jesus had faith in God and committed his spirit to God. In this, Matthew challenged us to summarize our life for Christ in one sentence. Dylan Laroche invited his parents and shared his testimony. He grew up in strong Christian family. He left his faith alone. But the Lord brought his faith back through our UBF missionaries and his friend's suffering. He prayed to keep spiritual focus on Jesus through the Bible Study.

On day three, there were 34 people including the guests such as Monica Barry and Jason Lee from UIC, Sly and Jaimee Marinca, Augustine and Hannah Park from Northwestern. The opening Sunday message was delivered by Matt Cizek based on Luke 24:1-12. Through this passage, we reminded that Jesus rose again in third day to defeat power of the death. Through his uncle's resurrection faith, Matt could overcome sorrow of his uncle's illness. Now Matt has living faith in Jesus. The final message was delivered by Pastor Kevin from NIU based on Luke 24:13-35, “On the road to Emmaus.” We learned that Jesus communicated with disciples on the road is like our journey of faith. Without hope we will despair. After Pastor Kevin repented his earth bounding hope in his own ministry like the disciples on the road, he made a firm decision to place his hope in Jesus' kingdom with his resurrection faith in Jesus.

Philip Chang shared his testimony based on Luke 24:5. He is a medical student but his job is very stressful. But he learned to love unlovable patients and people in his hospital by Jesus’ sacrificial love and resurrection faith in Christ. Esther Kim shared her testimony based on Luke 24:7. She was bitter because her parents left her in Korea when they went to their mission field, U.S.A.  But through Jesus' resurrection, she could see her life in God's point of view and how God prepared her family's life for saving many.  She confessed that she began to have not only crucifixion faith but only resurrection faith. 

Throughout the great co-working of NIU and our women co-workers who sacrificially served behind the scenes we could experience the work of the Holy Spirit and have new faith in Jesus to trust our lives to him and serve him all the more. Thank God who raised many new bible speakers in this joint bible school.

One Word: “He has risen.”

Reported by Jeremy Hajek
