Q. Easter Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 30, 2012
  • 801 reads

Under the title "Death has been swallowed up in victory" we had an Easter celebration in Q. April 19- 20, with 19 people including four second gens.

1) The meeting was full of G’s grace because native shps. served all three main messages with all their hearts and minds.  Sh. K wholeheartedly served the first lecture of John 19:16b-42. The second lecture was based on 1 Cor. 15:1-4, 50-58 and Sh. M powerfully delivered the resurrection message. Sh. RH served the third lecture full of the H.S. based on Matt. 28:19-20, which was about J’s WM commands. The messengers rewrote the messages over 4 times in the midst of busy schedules and understood the words of G deeply before delivering the messages. Therefore, there was a great work of G and of the H.S. The study of the words of G was led by Sh. RJ.

2) Sh. RJ invited three Arabian sheep and studied the words of G together and received G’s grace through the messages. One of his sheep has been faithfully attending B study. One significant thing is that one “Morem” sister with whom we have fellowship and have been praying for more than 2 years fully attended from the beginning to the end. It was nothing but a miracle and a great encouragement to us. We render glory to G with great thanksgiving.

3) M. Stud from Lebanon and M family from Abu Dhabi joined the meeting and made a co-working vessel together with us. After the meeting, we had a discussion regarding the 2012 M.E. Int’l meeting (Jordan) and p together for this event.


By J.K.

