2012 Guatemala Easter Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • May 01, 2012
  • 638 reads

“I will set out and go back to my father”
Luke 15:18

Guatemala UBF had their Easter Conference during the week of April 5-8 in a beautiful camp 2 hours from the capital. 40 persons participated.

First, the main messengers were Dimas (Luke 15), Edwar (Luke 5), Josue Ham (Luke 9) and the morning and evening messengers were Saul (Parable of the Sower), Alan (Samaritan Woman), Harry (Parable of the Lost Sheep), Silvia (The cross of Jesus), Rosario (the Resurrection of Jesus), and life testimonies by Dr. Abraham, Dr. Ivan, Karina (Law 5), Heber (Computer 5), Sara Ham (Guatemala Military Academy 1). Also, there was a symposium on the countries of Brazil, India, Muslim countries, North Korea and Nicaragua on the first day presented by five fellowships, and we prayed for world mission. On the second day, we saw a video on the cross of Jesus and had praise time. On the third day, we had a talent presentation by group and individual.

Second, four servants mentioned above were raised as shepherds and as messengers for the first time. We received much grace and saw the hope to raise disciples through their beautiful and creative messages.

Third, this time we didn’t prepare dance or drama programs, only the word of God. Therefore, we had more time to write messages and testimonies, and we had a good rest and received spiritual strength through the conference.

Fourth, 6 new sheep: Pedro (Eng. 2), Efrain (Culinary School), William (Comm. 5), Mildred (Graphic Design Grad.), Mina (Comm. 5), Loren (Psych. Grad.) wrote testimonies and came back to God the Father.

Fifth, two brothers (Alan, William) y five 2nd Gens (Rebecca Ham, Ester Ham, Sunghee Kim, Heejin Nam, Heeju Nam) received baptism.

Direction and Prayer Topics

1.  Discipleship and spiritual growth of 4 shepherds through message preparation for testimony meeting on Thursday.

2.  Faithful Bible study with sheep

3.  Sunday message from Luke’s gospel (Dr. Abraham, Edwar, Dimas, Josue Ham, Marcos Nam)

4.  Raise 12 shepherd candidates this year

Reported by M. Josue Ham
